Thursday, October 31, 2019
Religious visit Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Religious visit - Essay Example I spoke to a few of them and finally decided to visit the Shri Shivdham Hindu Temple in Orlando. The visit has brought about changes in me, in the perception of people and things, in the outlook on life. Shri Shivdham Hindu Temple, located in Orlando, allows visitors at fixed times during the day. I had called up in advance to get the location but fixed appointment for any service is not necessary. However, it was useful to obtain the service timings so that one does not miss out on the service that is performed. The temple is closed to the visitors between 1 and 5pm so I made it a point to reach thereby noon. This temple was established in 2002 and regular Hindi language classes are held in addition to Yoga and meditation classes. The temple regularly invites various swamis and scholars to give discourses on different spiritual subjects. The temple’s address is: 460 O’Berry Hoover Road, Orlando, FL 32825-6908. I also took the directions how to reach there was told to drive west on East Colonial drive (Hwy 50). On crossing the Alafaya trail (Landmarks: Channel 24/ Advance Discount Parts / Big Lots) I was asked to make a left on O’Berry Hoover Road. The Shiv mandir is located at the end of the road on the right side, I was directed. The directions were perfect and surprisingly I found that my attention too was rapt; I did not miss any turn. This itself suggests we have the power and the quality to be attentive if we so desire. Moreover, when we want to do something good, our actions, thoughts and attention are all at their best. On arrival I was nonplussed. As I said I had heard about temples and mandir but I never expected to be greeted by such positive vibrations even before entering the temple area. The entire area reverberates with chanting of hymns of Shiva. The chanting was all in Sanskrit, mostly in the form of mantras and the vibrations touch you. It had a very soothing and comforting effect
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Graffiti as Art Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Graffiti as Art - Research Paper Example Insofar as graffiti in Trinidad is concerned, graffiti is an art. The reasons, aesthetic criteria included, that reiterates that graffiti is an art outweigh the criticism of incoherence, nonstandard, and illegal presentation. This paper seeks to identify graffiti as a form of art, with particular emphasis on graffiti in the walls of the streets in Trinidad. The paper also highlights some peculiar tagging present in the graffiti as well as providing some samples from the region. Background A previous research on graffiti in Trinidad shows that prior to the arrival of Howok, a graffiti artist from Dublin aged 25 years, the graffiti in Trinidad was primarily two dimensions with one or two colors. However, the region is experiencing some changes in the graffiti section. Big, colored, three-dimension graffiti are pooping up literary every night on walls in the streets, from Diego Martin main road, Ariapita Avenue, Western main road to the Foreshore. Interestingly, these graffiti have some resemblance, with the majorly the name of the new graffiti artist, Howok. It seems that the artist brought different texts and colors to the graffiti industry in Trinidad. However, some graffiti in the Trinidad Island also reflect their culture, such as the one that depicts people playing the steel pan (Plate 1), a national instrument for the country. Plate 1:Grafiti in Trinidad showing people playing steel pans. Contrary to graffiti in the West and other parts of the world, the graffiti in Trinidad predominantly incorporates the name of the artist rather than the wide use of numerous graphics and texts eminent in North America (Schlee, 2005). Nonetheless, graphics are becoming a common feature of graffiti in Trinidad, though not with the same magnitude as with other countries. It is from such evidence that this paper seeks to assert that graffiti art in Trinidad is indeed a form of art. The origin of graffiti art in the Caribbean region dates back to the 1990s, as the societies we re experiencing the impact of popular cultural phenomena. The popular Caribbean culture has influence of the developments across the global mass culture. Throughout the 1990s, the Caribbean societies exhibited signs of influence from international fashion, films, music, and other emerging industries, particularly among the youth. The young people tended to seek new avenues to express their feelings. They thus sought to propagate discourses as legitimate responses to the already established discourses. Graffiti art is among the most disruptive, subversive, and creative form of art in the Caribbean societies. It is dominant in Barbados and other regions such as the Trinidad Island. Despite its virtually omnipresent existence, the academic organizations completely ignore this form of art. Formal scrutiny, explication, and analysis of graffiti writing and art are yet to occur. The graffiti arts on public spaces and walls across the Caribbean depict the disaffection of some people. It is imperative to understand the background of graffiti in the Caribbean and the various cultural behaviors and phenomena that surround the graffiti art in order to make a comprehensive conclusion on the nature of graffiti art. Critics of graffiti art as a form of art base their arguments on their location, as well as
Sunday, October 27, 2019
A War On Women And Drugs Criminology Essay
A War On Women And Drugs Criminology Essay In 1986 Congress passed mandatory minimum sentencing. Federal mandatory drug sentences take the decision away from the judge and gives sentences based on: 1. The type of drug; 2. The weight or alleged weight of the drug mixture and 3. The number of prior convictions. The rise of women in prison seems to be correlated with US drug laws and policies. Many researchers argue that the war on drugs has directly become a war on women. In 1999, the Bureau of Justice Statistics documented that 1 in 3 women were likely serving time for a drug offense in comparison to 1 in 8 women in 1986. Three reasons often determine the involvement of women in the criminal justice system, the first would be a history of abuse, the second issue is disrupted family and personal relationships and finally the third is drug abuse. Women that end up in prison have usually been abused and/or battered, are economically disadvantaged, have abused drugs, and/or are minorities. Due to the circumstances just mentioned a nd stricter policies and laws regarding drugs the outcome is a drastic rise in the incarceration of women. If women are seen as victims of circumstance then they are basically adapting to the conditions of their lives and struggling to survive. The status of women in prison reflects their status in society; they are marginalized by racism and sexism. Women in prison have been damaged by the oppression of patriarchy, economic marginalization and the far-reaching effects of such short sighted and detrimental policies as the war on drugs and the over reliance on incarceration, (Owen, 2000). Female Offenders Women have become the new offender in the criminal justice system. Through the years the amount of women incarcerated has greatly risen. In 2000, there were more than 1 million women in the United States in prison, probation or parole, whereas in 1990 there were 600,000 in the same situation. The rise in the incarceration of women can be greatly attributed to US policies and laws on drugs and drug related crimes. Women are usually minimally involved in drug crimes but are severely punished due to the mandatory minimum laws in place. The war on drugs does not have laws laid out specifically for men and women, the laws are universal and apply equally to both men and women. Drug laws were originally designed for the male criminal and did not take into account the special circumstances in womens lives. These women that are being punished under the mandatory minimum drug laws are the wives, mothers, daughters, sisters, nieces, granddaughters and girlfriends of many law abiding citizens in society. These women become involved in drug crimes because of their dependence to their significant other, whether it is financially, because of fear or other extenuating circumstance. Women who become victims of mandatory minimum laws are incarcerated and subject to patriarchal sentences because the men in their lives coerced, obliged or scammed them into carrying drugs. Women in jails and prisons are often oppressed and even victimized. There are many race and gender inequalities in the criminal justice system when it comes to addressing women and their needs. Women offenders are more likely to be incarcerated now than they were at any other time in the history of the United States. The legal system has become more willing to prosecute and incarcerate women than at any other time in the history of the United States. Mandatory minimum sentencing policies for drug related offenses have increased the number of women incarcerated. According to the Sentencing Project, between 1986 and 1991 the population in state prisons for drug offenses increased by 828 percent for African-American woman, 328 percent for Latinas, and 241 percent for white women (Mauer Huling, 1995). Guilt by Association Drug laws now in place punish not only the individuals who sell the drugs, but also people who assist the drug dealer as well as people who merely know the drug dealer. Women are apprehended at higher rates in reference to the war on drugs. In many circumstances women are arrested and sentenced merely for remaining with a significant other who is involved in the drug trade industry. Women are more vulnerable than men for prosecution based on their associations rather than on their behavior. Women who are involved in the drug trade are often nominally involved and often only participate in the drug trade in order to be able to financially support their own drug habit. Some women are bullied into the drug trade because of abuse or due to financial instability. These mandatory minimum sentences are perhaps a good example of the law of unintended consequences. There is a respectable body of opinion which believes that these mandatory minimums impose unduly harsh punishment for firs-time offenders particularly for mules who played only a minor role in a drug distribution scheme. Be that as it may, the mandatory minimums have also led to an inordinate increase in the federal prison population and will require huge expenditures to build new prison spaceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist, U.S. Supreme Court Mandatory minimum sentences remove the discretion of the judge, therefore not allowing a judge to take into account mitigating circumstances that could reduce the harshness of the sentence. Mandatory minimum sentences require that low level offenders receive the required sentence required by statutes. Women can rarely assist in providing prosecutors with information that could assist in lessening their punishment because they are often mules, transporters and low level offenders and do no have access to valuable information needed by the prosecution. Also, many times women choose not to provide what little information they do have because of the safety of their family and children. Due to the mandatory minimum laws and the amount of information that women are able to provide they are often subject to harsher punishments than their male counterparts, who are often kingpins. Women who are sent to jail are often the primary caregivers for their children and other family members. Children depend on their mothers and when they become incarcerated the children are left improperly attended or in unstable temporary arrangements. Due to a mothers preoccupation with her children, women often wish to speed up their case by entering a plea of guilt in order to receive a lesser charge and stay out of prison or reduce her sentence. Mandatory Minimum Laws and Their Effect on Women Prisons are filled with violence therefore entrapping women in a world of cruelty and abuse that does not succeed in addressing the needs of women, such as their psychological, medical or economic needs. The dynamics that were just referenced are what originally contribute to a womans involvement in the criminal justice system; these dynamics are what originally created womens involvement with drugs. When a woman enters prison she is often times abused and revictimized therefore further damaging a woman. In prison women are often physically or sexually abused. When a woman is in prison she is unable to receive proper medical treatment. Research has noted that women in prison are subjected to physical, sexual, verbal and emotional abuse by guards and other inmates. Amnesty Internationals 1999 report, Not Part of My Sentence Violations of the Human Rights of Women in Custody, indicates that males staff, under the guise of correctional supervision, frequently watch women as they shower, use the bathroom, and dress and undress in their cells. Women are often sexually extorted while in prison for basic everyday necessities such as toothbrushes, soap, etc. A woman who is abused in prison suffers many consequences especially if she was abused in the past or suffers from any mental illness including but not limited to depression, bipolar disorder or if she is recovering from a drug addiction. Just like any woman who is abused, a woman who is abused in prison is left with severe imbedded psychological scars. Often women who are abused in prison are more severely scared than other women, some of the psychological scars that women who are abused in prison are left with are Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Rape Trauma Syndrome, prevalent fears, nightmares and flashbacks, these scars can lead to hatred towards self, anxiety, depression, suicide and substance abuse. Women who are sexually assaulted while in prison are subject to sexually transmitted diseases and/or pregnancy which they might not get medical treatment or prenatal care for. Both male and female prisons provide poor healthcare for its inmates. Women have higher rates of medical issues than men. Women in prison receive poor medical treatment and do not receive needed medications for medical conditions such as heart conditions, depression, other mental health diseases, asthma and other medical conditions. Women often have to receive permission from guards to seek medical attention. Prisons do not have a full medical staff thus contributing to the lack of medical treatment available to women. Women who enter the prison system on drug charges are often diagnosed with depression as well as drug addiction. Some of these women are also diagnosed with bipolar, schizophrenia and other mental health conditions which are not properly treated in prison. Prisons are not equipped to properly care for womens mental health conditions and do not have the funds to provide needed counseling services. Women that are prescribed psychotropic drugs are often not given the medications correctly and instead they are given the medications as sedatives. Incarcerated women that are separated from their children suffer a great deal of trauma, these women often become depressed. Women whose mental health conditions are exacerbated due to incarceration and have a past history of drug abuse may turn to drug use while in prison in order to ease the emotional pain. Children Affected Many of the women in todays prison system have minor children. From 1991 through 1999, 98 percent of children in the United States had a mother who was imprisoned, (Bureau of Justice Statistics). It is estimated that most women in prison have two children and prior to incarceration the children resided with their mother. When women are sent to prison, children are often placed with other family members or in foster care. In terms of the War on Drugs, children are removed from the mother due to incarceration or because of a mothers addiction. If a woman is sent to a residential treatment program rather than to prison she is still separated from her children. Some residential drug treatment programs do not allow children to visit and some have age restrictions. Although each child will react uniquely to extended separation from his or her mother, researchers report that when a mother and child are separated due to incarceration, the child often grieves as if the mother has died, experi encing a grief that is unique to children with incarcerated parents, (Bloom Steinhardt, 1993). Children with an incarcerated mother tend to suffer from fear, anxiety, grief and sadness and later in life these symptoms can lead to withdrawal as well as verbal or physical aggression. Many of the children whose mothers are in prison are sent to foster homes where they have an increased likelihood of being physically, sexually and emotionally abused. When a mother is incarcerated her day to day interactions with her children are altered and significantly changed. Correctional facilities do not aid women in having relationships with their children and often due to the distance of the prison it is often times impossible for children to visit their mothers. Visiting a parent in prison is very difficult for children and visiting a mother in prison can be emotionally detrimental to children. Telephone calls from mothers to children while in prison can be very costly thus reducing the likelihood that a child will be able to speak to the parent via telephone. Few prisons offer family reunification programs for children. Incarcerated mothers and their children are not provided with counseling, parenting classes, skills training, overnight programs for mothers and children and other essential services, therefore hindering the relationship between a mother and her children. Establishing these programs in prisons would give women the opportunity to fulfill their roles as mothers and learn how to properly care for and raise their children. As more women are incarcerated due to Drug Laws the fate of children lies in the hands of the welfare system. The child welfare system is not equipped to deal with the rising number of children left without a mother due to the increasing amount of women incarcerated because of mandatory minimum laws. Mothers convicted of drug crimes are dually punished, they are punished by the judicial system and they are also punished by the welfare system who removes their children from their care and custody. The Outcome of the War on Drugs Minimum mandatory drug laws are destroying the lives of women. These laws are destroying families and childrens lives. Harsh punishment does not address the issues causing women to use drugs, to become addicted to drugs, to sell drugs, or to remain in abusive relationships with drug dealers. Many of the women arrested for drug charges are black women or poor women. Many of the drug related crimes that women are arrested for could be dealt with outside of the judicial system. The judicial system does not address the reasons why a woman becomes involved with drugs or why she risks her family in doing such. Drug dependant women should be treated rather than incarcerated. Incarcerating a woman who is dependant on drugs increases her chances of relapsing thus at the same time increasing the likelihood for mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. Women that become involved in the drug trade industry because of coercion or abuse are punished for not turning in their partner, the individual who is physically or emotionally abusing them. The judicial system does not address the needs of children who lose their mothers to prison nor does it assist women in building a relationship with their children. A womans incarceration can lead to permanent loss of her children and can prevent her from getting any government assistance upon her release. Instead of incarcerating women because of the mandatory minimum drug laws, we should provide them with the necessary tools they need to assist them. Within a womans community there are many resources that can aid her in leaving an abusive relationship. A community also has resources to assist women in with drug dependency issues. Women need to be empowered to become successful and productive members of society. These women rather than being punished need to be provided with opportunities to better their lives and with the proper tools to be better parents. Conclusion As a society rather than investing money in prisons, we need to invest money in community resources that will assist women with drug treatment and resolving the underlying reasons that led them to drug dependence. Women involved in drug crimes because of abusive relationships need to be provided with the appropriate resources to assist them in leaving that relationship and achieving financial independence as well as emotional stability. Women need to be provided with the skills and training necessary to live productive lives in society. Rather than dealing with women in the criminal justice system as a nation we need to provide alternative resources. We have an obligation to save these women for themselves and their children. The underlying causes for womens involvement in drug crimes need to be addressed. Women need to be provided with services for drug addiction, health issues, mental health issues and abuse. Rather than placing women in prisons that were designed for men for committing a crime that they were forced into through coercion or abuse, we should place them in treatment programs designed to meet with their unique needs. Treatment programs designed for women should incorporate mothers and their children allowing for mothers to receive necessary counseling and parenting classes while actively caring for their children. Mandatory minimum laws need to be reevaluated. Women need to be punished for their part in the drug crime, not for the overall crime that they did not play part in. A woman should not be punished because of association; a woman should be punished and held accountable for her actions. A judge should be allowed to ultimately decide a womans punishment and her involvement in the drug offense being charged. Women that must be incarcerated because of their role in a drug crime should be granted the opportunity to visit with their children. Children should not be punished; they are not the ones who committed the offense. To elaborate, a woman with repeated drug charges should not be allowed reunification with her children because after the first or second charge it should be noted that this woman does not wish to learn from her original mistake. Women who are punished under mandatory minimum laws unfairly should be granted ample opportunity for reunification with their children. There is no reason to why women need to be punished for drug crimes that they did not willingly participate in. Mandatory minimum laws were designed for kingpins and drug traffickers but obviously it is not serving its purpose. The people being affected most by these mandatory minimum laws are the people with the least involvement in the crime. Mandatory minimum laws need to be reevaluated and applied accordingly. The ultimate decision on punishment should be taken away from the prosecution and should lie solely in the hands of the judge.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Describe The Elements Of Death :: essays research papers
Describe the elements of war and death in Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage. This book is divided into two parts. In the first part the main characters, Henry Flemings. illusions disappear when confronted by the reality of battle(WAH 642). During the first battle he sees vague figures before him, but they are driven away. In the next battle he is so frightened that he runs away becoming one of the first heroes in literature to actually desert his fellow soldiers in the field. While Henry is separated from his fellow soldiers, he wanders through the forest. There he experiences the kind of illusions that predominate in all of the writings of Crane (WAH 642). First he tells himself that nature does not blame him for running. Next he finds himself in a part of the woods that he believes is religious. The insects are praying and the forest takes the appearance of a chapel. Henry is comfortable with this until he finds a dead soldier in the heart of the â€Å"chapel†. Henry sees an ant carrying a bundle across the face of the dead soldier. That view is beautiful in the sense of conveying great emotion through minute detail(WAH 643). As he moves back henry sees a line of injured soldiers including his friend Jim Conklin,who is badly wounded and another friend called â€Å"the tattered man†. Trying to make up for deserting his friends, Henry tries to help Jim Conklin who is dying.After Conklin dies, the tattered man probes deeply into Henry’s conscience by repeatedly asking â€Å"where ya hit†(Bowers 132). Henry deserts the tattered man. When Henry stops another soldier he asks him the novels most important question which is â€Å"why†The soldier hits henry on the head for starting trouble. Ironically this wound becomes Henry’s â€Å"Red Badge of Courage†. Henry is then lead back to his regiment by a â€Å"cheery soldier†who helps wandering soldiers. This leads Henry into the second half of the book. Henry’s wanderings are over. Not until the end of the book does he ask questions. Most of the repudiations are complete: heroes do not always act like heroes; no one understands the purpose of life or death; nature may be malevolent, probably no different, but is certainly not the benevolent pantheist realm of the transcentalists, and God, is simply nowhere to be found(Weatherford 32). In the second part of the novel Henry beco0mes a â€Å"war devil†, the hero that he wanted to be originally when another battle is over, all Henry has accomplished is negated. Many critics found the last chapter confused and muttled, Henry’s feelings range from remorse to the â€Å"sin†which is not responsible
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparison of the French Revolution and the Salem Witch Trials
Coincidence and certainty â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ comparison of the French Revolution and the Salem Witch Trials As we have learned on the class, these two distinguished historical events, the French Revolution and the Salem Witch Trials have obvious similarities and certain differences, we pay attention to them because these are two of the miserable man-made chaos in human history (although French Revolution has great positive importances to France and the whole world, there was unnegeletable chaos and massacres, that's what I what to illustrate above).In my point of view, after analysing different aspects of their backgrounds , we can say that besides the differences, there are also reasonable similarities between both of the events. To compare and contrast the French Revolution and the Salem Witch Trials, I would like to separate the topic into several parts associated with the events to illustrate my idea. Differences: 1, The Salem Witch Trials happened on 1692, while the French Revolut ion exploded on 1789, which means that these two events have a time gap of almost one hundred years. , Meanwhile, The Salem Witch Trials happened in Massachusetts, America, and the French Revolution at first bursted in Paris, France, and then spreaded around the whole country, the location is another difference. 3, Massachusetts, at that time was a colony of Great Britain, the overall social economy remained undeveloped as agricultural-based villages, no more to say the capitalization and modernization; while France in 1789 had already become one of the strongest country in Europe with a great economy development. , 1692 in Massachusetts, society was in the control of the colonists from Great Britain, villagers were kept in a primitive agricultural life, the main conflict in that region, in my opinion, was the gap between the rich and the poor among the villagers. 1789 in France, people were divided into three stages, first stage consisted of bishops and priests, second stage consis ted of aristocrat and royalty, and the third one consisted of bourgeois and peasants, while Bourgeois had become the most effective and active status in France by their talents and hardworking, they didn't enjoy any privileges and political rights; peasants ere under tough taxations and suffered from poverty. So the conflicts between the third stages and the first two stages were getting more and more serious. 5, 1692 in Massachusetts, most people were uneducated, thus inevitably had superstitious beliefs such as ghost and witch, effected by these kinds of beliefs, they were easily aroused and provoked, caused panic, then they could help going mad and doing crazy things. 789 in France, most people had been influenced by â€Å"the enlightement†, more and more people believed the thoughts of liberty, equality and fraternity, thus disappointed with the social fact. Similarity: 1, Among people who got involved into these two events, there were large amount of uneducated and poor persons: villagers in Massachusetts, and peasants in France. 2, I want to use the word â€Å"conformity†to explain the chaos and massacres of both events psycologically.Why were there so many innocent people sentenced to death penalty at last? Why did persons who used to be kind become brutal and blinded accused the others? I believe that on one hand, people have a trend to believe something which is believed by the majority, which has driven people in Massachusetts to accuse others of witches without any reasonable evidence and made people in France believe that some people were guilty to be traiters.On the other hand, when under a disordered situation, people lost their own sense of judgement and justice, in order to protect themselves from being accused guilty, they had to set up others to prove that they themselves were innocent. 3, Both of the events, fierce and terrible as they became, were finally terminated, with in my opinion, shows that human history has a strong a bility of self-recovery and development. The society changes after great chaos and people learn and make progresses, that's how we grow up.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Kirk Arnold
Kirk Arnold effectiveness as a manger and leader comes from the character and her management style. More than the skills or previous experience she has with other companies, her work ethics, manner and her interactions with other people in the company establishes confidence and admiration. This suggests that though she is goal-oriented person, she also recognizes the importance of building relationship and work partnerships within and outside the organization What could she do better? Considering the developing challenges in the industry Nerve Wire ranging from the slowing down of the economy and the intensification of competition, relationships with clients and other industry partners can be further developed. Arnold has already apparently recognized this need and has incorporated it significantly in her priorities and schedule. What aspect of her management style do you think contribute to her effectiveness or ineffectiveness? One key aspect that has contributed to the success of Arnold’s management in the company is her work ethics which are recognized by both her peers and subordinates as exemplary. She has established a reputation for directness, objectiveness as well as a willingness to work: suggesting that she doesn’t consider her position as a privilege but as a craft. Is her style well-suited to the current situation at NerveWire? In what other situations might it be effective? In what situations would it be ineffective? Her style of management, direct but responsive, suits the nature of NerveWire’s business. Since the company is consulting and systems development, there is a need to recognize particular requirements and unique business perspectives of clients. Unlike consultancy for operational or repetitive business concerns that would not creative thinking as much, Arnold thrives in NerveWire’s environment because it allows her to apply her experience and skills, as she designs it, in innovative settings. In what way is your own style like Kirk? In what way is your style different? Like Arnold, I recognize a challenge in trying to view problems in a new way and developing new perspectives and strategies for problems. Also, that though there are technical or operational requirements that need to be taken into consideration they should not be viewed as limitations. Unlike Arnold however, there is still a lot to be developed in my mentoring or coaching skills. Most likely, this aptitude can be further developed as I gain more experience and work with more people. Malcolm Frank. In what way is Malcolm effective? Malcolm Frank effectivity comes from the fact that he is capable as an executive as well as managing other executives. In his interview, he points out that the challenge of working with brilliant people is how to be able to channels their skills and experience productively and how to manage and resolve conflicts What could he do better? He can be more directly involved in building relationships with the various stakeholders of the company to be able to asses their perceptions on the directions of the industry and in general, the economy. This will allow him the context needed to examine scenarios that the company will face. Similar to Arnold, he has also recognized the need to build these relationships personally as reflected in his own priorities and schedule. What aspect of his management style do you think contribute to his effectiveness or ineffectiveness? The most critical to Frank’s effectiveness is his confidence in the organization and its executives without being threatened or having reservation in directing them to the company’s objectives. In doing so, he is able to develop an atmosphere that maximizes the skills and potentials of the organization, highlighting the importance cooperation and organizational development and effectiveness. Is his style well-suited to the current situation at NerveWire? In what other situations might it be effective? In what situations would it be ineffective? Frank is suited to Nerve Wire because he is able to exert his authority positively. However, this success is because Frank manages and organization that has positive sense of competition and strong organizational relationship. For NerveWire and similar organizations where there is high level of pressure and a significant collection of assertive and creative people, this is an essential skill to maintain the cohesiveness and cooperation of a group. In what way is your own style like Malcolm and in what way is your style different? Like Frank, I recognize and appreciate the need for expertise, knowledge and experience as well as an environment were can they can developed positively. In doing so, people will be able to work effectively with each other and increase the overall potential and capacity of an organization. . At the same time, I recognize that this degree of confidence in my work and managing the work of others has to still be honed by experience and training. Â
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Machiavelli Opinions of a Perfect Princedom essays
Machiavelli Opinions of a Perfect Princedom essays Niccolo Machiavellis work The Prince is a letter he wrote, while he was in exile to Lorenzo Medici. In his work he sought to establish a state capable of resisting foreign attack. His writings are concerned with the principles on which a state is founded, and how they are maintained. He describes the methods by which a prince can acquire and maintain political power. Machiavelli believes that a ruler is not bound by traditions and ethical norms. In his view, a prince should be concerned only with power and held down only by rules that would lead to success in political elections. In The Prince, he describes the moral principles and limits of successful rule, what a ruler must seek and avoid, goals and ends of a ruler and the relationship between them, and the issues of violence in a principality. Machiavelli is often praised in his ability to separate political from moral issues. In Machiavellis opinion the perfect prince with the perfect principality sees the role of moral principles as being a necessity for any prince who wishes to uphold his office. He thinks that a prince should treat is servants and people morally, the way that he would like to be treated. His ideal prince is an amoral and calculating tyrant capable of unifying Italy. ( Mac ...
Monday, October 21, 2019
The eNotes Blog And the Oscar GoesTo
And the Oscar GoesTo The books that were made into Oscar-nominated films of 2013. If youre following this years awards season, you may have noticed that many of the movies receiving the highest accolades were adapted from novels. Some of the big winners at last nights Golden Globes made me want to compile a small list of the books that inspired the movies. While many viewers of the awards season make it their mission to watch all of the nominated films, wouldnt it be an interesting idea to read the book behind each lit-inspired movie? If you care to tick off that list, it is The Silver Linings Playbook by Matthew Quick 8 Nominations Someone over at Goodreads likened this book to The Perks of Being a Wallflower for adults. Thats probably on account of the novels tender qualities, quirky humor, and soul. Warm your heart with this debut novel from Matthew Quick. Argo: How the CIA and Hollywood Pulled Off the Most Audacious Rescue in History by Antonio J. Mendez 7 Nominations The book and the movie provide a behind-closed-doors look into an almost unreal CIA mission to save six embassy workers from Iran in the 1970s by impersonating a sci-fi film crew. Dont get a manicure before watching or reading this entertaining political thriller. Life of Pi by Yann Martel 11 Nominations A boy, a boat, and a tiger one might say those are the main components of Martels novel, and correspondingly director Ang Lees movie. But both deliver much more: spellbinding visuals, philosophical themes, and yes I just have to reiterate, an amazing tiger called Richard Parker. The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien 3 Nominations Adaptations of Tolkiens works have dominated cinema for the last decade, so unless you call the lonely space beneath a rock your home,  youll probably know what youre in for with Jacksons latest movie. Yet, returning to Middle Earth to recount the fantasy of your childhood will yield memories that might not have made it to the film (despite it being the first three-hour installment of a trilogy). Team of Rivals: the Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln by Doris Kearns Goodwin 12 Nominations (for the film Lincoln) Though of course Spielbergs biopic is based on actual history, it had a helping hand from Doris Kearns Goodwins biography. But beware, itd probably be faster to complete an AP course on U.S. History than to read this 944-page tome. For the ambitious among you, the biography reveals the brilliance behind one of Americas most cherished forefathers and comes highly recommended by the elite who have the will to sit down and read it. Les Misà ©rables by Victor Hugo 8 Nominations The musical adaptation of Victor Hugos sprawling tragedy set during the upheaval of the French Revolution has been on stage for years and has now made its way to the silver screen. But if you want a reading of the work that does not involve singing every line, try picking up Hugos original. Of course, if you enjoy the catharsis of singing every line as you read them, by all means go ahead so long as Im not anywhere near you at the time. What Oscar-nominated adaptations did you enjoy this past year? Which did you enjoy that did not make it into the Academys good graces? Share with us in a comment below!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
The Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem
The Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem In the mid-11th century, a Benedictine abbey was established in Jerusalem by merchants from Amalfi. About 30 years later, a hospital was founded next to the abbey to care for sick and poor pilgrims. After the success of the First Crusade in 1099, Brother Gerard (or Gerald), the hospitals superior, expanded the hospital and set up additional hospitals along the route to the Holy Land. On February 15, 1113, the order was formally named the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem and recognized in a papal bull issued by Pope Paschal II. The Knights Hospitaller were also known as Hospitalers, the Order of Malta, the Knights of Malta. From 1113 to 1309 they were known as the Hospitallers of St. John of Jerusalem; from 1309 to 1522 they went by the Order of the Knights of Rhodes; from 1530 to 1798 they were the Sovereign and Military Order of the Knights of Malta; from 1834 to 1961 they were the Knights Hospitaller of St. John of Jerusalem; and from 1961 to the present they are formally known as the Sovereign Military and Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem, of Rhodes, and of Malta. Hospitaller Knights In 1120, Raymond de Puy (a.k.a. Raymond of Provence) succeeded Gerard as leader of the order. He replaced the Benedictine Rule with the Augustinian Rule and actively began to build up the orders power base, helping the organization to acquire lands and wealth. Possibly inspired by the Templars, the Hospitallers began to take up arms in order to protect pilgrims as well as tend their illnesses and injuries. Hospitaller Knights were still monks and continued to follow their vows of personal poverty, obedience, and celibacy. The order also included chaplains and brothers who did not take up arms. Relocations of the Hospitallers The shifting fortunes of the western Crusaders would also affect the Hospitallers. In 1187, when Saladin captured Jerusalem, the Hospitaller Knights moved their headquarters to Margat, then to Acre ten years later. With the fall of Acre in 1291 they moved to Limassol in Cyprus. The Knights of Rhodes In 1309 the Hospitallers acquired the island of Rhodes. The grand master of the order, who was elected for life (if confirmed by the pope), ruled Rhodes as an independent state, minting coins and exercising other rights of sovereignty. When the Knights of the Temple were dispersed, some surviving Templars joined the ranks at Rhodes. The knights were now more warrior than hospitaller, though they remained a monastic brotherhood. Their activities included naval warfare; they armed ships and set off after Muslim pirates, and took revenge on Turkish merchants with piracy of their own. The Knights of Malta In 1522 the Hospitaller control of Rhodes came to an end with a six-month siege by Turkish leader Suleyman the Magnificent. The Knights capitulated on January 1, 1523, and left the island with those citizens who chose to accompany them. The Hospitallers were without a base until 1530, when Holy Roman emperor Charles V arranged for them to occupy the Maltese archipelago. Their presence was conditional; the most notable agreement was the presentation of a falcon to the emperors viceroy of Sicily every year. In 1565, grand master Jean Parisot de la Valette exhibited superb leadership when he stopped Suleyman the Magnificent from dislodging the Knights from their Maltese headquarters. Six years later, in 1571, a combined fleet of the Knights of Malta and several European powers virtually destroyed the Turkish navy at the Battle of Lepanto. The Knights built a new capital of Malta in honor of la Valette, which they named Valetta, where they constructed grand defenses and a hospital that attracted patients from far beyond Malta. The Last Relocation of the Knights Hospitaller The Hospitallers had returned to their original purpose. Over the centuries they gradually gave up warfare in favor of medical care and territorial administration. Then, in 1798, they lost Malta when Napoleon occupied the island on the way to Egypt. For a short time they returned under the auspices of the Treaty of Amiens (1802), but when the 1814 Treaty of Paris gave the archipelago to Britain, the Hospitallers left once more. They at last settled permanently in Rome in 1834. Membership of the Knights Hospitaller Although nobility was not required to join the monastic order, it was required to be a Hospitaller Knight. As time went on this requirement grew more strict, from proving nobility of both parents to that of all grandparents for four generations. A variety of knightly classifications evolved to accommodate lesser knights and those who gave up their vows to marry, yet remained affiliated with the order. Today, only Roman Catholics may become Hospitallers, and the governing knights must prove the nobility of their four grandparents for two centuries. The Hospitallers Today After 1805 the order was led by lieutenants until the office of Grand Master was restored by Pope Leo XIII in 1879. In 1961 a new constitution was adopted in which the orders religious and the sovereign status was precisely defined. Although the order no longer governs any territory, it does issue passports, and it is recognized as a sovereign nation by the Vatican and some Catholic European nations.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Gender and the Workforce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Gender and the Workforce - Essay Example Gender and the Workforce In the following paragraphs an attempt has been made to analyze the unequal distribution of labor between the genders associated with unemployment, wage gaps and workplace discrimination that are at a much aggravated level in UK than in US, though the socio-economic implications are more or less the same. Workplace discrimination is more pronounced in UK than in the US, where gender segregation in profession is attributed to the preferences of women for more flexible female dominated sectors. In US occupational segregation is somewhat countered by gender crossovers in professions, which is not a common trend in UK. Thus, the origins for such gender based disparity are evidently distinct due to the subtle socio-cultural differences between the workforces of two countries. This interplay between gender and the workforce largely regulates the fulcrum of the eternal demand - supply balance in the labor market, thereby assisting in the economic growth of a country. An unequal distribution of workforces due to differences in gender issues is liable to create disparity in employment standards leading to professional inactivity in the society. This does have serious implications in the demand aspect of the contemporary labor market, which can further be aggravated under the present recessionary conditions. The paper aims to focus on this grave situation resulting from a widespread economic inequality due to gender bias.The participation and wage gap based on gender differences are seen to adverse effects on the overall socio-economic balance of US and UK that are prone to inflict projected imbalances in a global scale. In view of the present job market perturbations, there is indeed a need for making a firm stand on a much stabler platform with newer princip les, rectified vision and modern outlook through legislation, organization, litigation and proper evaluation to generate employments based on the facets of equality. The question of gender is an important aspect of any structured analysis determined to feature the socio-economic condition of a system. By system we indicate the interdependent circle of people and institutions defining a state, or a commune, or even the existing global setting. The social distinction based on class, gender, race and other pertinent strata are regulated as per the directives of the system ultimately defining its manifesto leading to far fetched effects having socio-economic implications. Differences in gender result in a disparity in the levels of socio-economic utilization and employment benefits in a functional system. As a matter of fact, the question of gender gap on the state of employment has been dealt in a number of popular literary sources. The main issues that need to be addressed are the effects of the division of labor between sexes, the implication of gender based discrimination on wages and the consequences occupational segregation based on gender dist inction. But the effect of gender bias on unemployment is an issue that has been singled out in most contemporary arguments. Let us start our argument with a hard fact - the Labor Statistics Bureau in US created more than 8.3 million allocations for employment since August 2003 out of which almost 1.5 million jobs created over the next one year ceased to exist. (Associated Content, 2008) The picture has not much improved since then and more jobs are going into oblivion with each passing day.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Article Review on Technology in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Article Review on Technology in Education - Essay Example The author describes the technology as the combination of a computer (coupled with internet connectivity) and a projector. The projector is used to create a touch-screen display on a whiteboard that might be mounted anywhere in the classroom. Koven (2008) stated that the touch feature of the screen enables the users to write and erase notes on the board and even control the computer applications that might be running on the computer. The author explains that screenshots can be taken of the board that would facilitate future reference to the information. Figure 1: Display of a mathematics problem with teacher’s notes on the interactive whiteboard (Koven, 2008) SMART Technologies Inc. (2006) stated that the interactive whiteboard provides the functionalities of a traditional blackboard since teachers and students can write on it with ease and it also serves as a multimedia connected to a computer that can project websites, images, videos, documents and applications to make the l ectures more interactive and interesting. The article discusses the advantages of interactive whiteboards in his paper and explains how this technology proves to even help students with special needs and disabilities.
Identify the key elements which allows precedents to work in English Essay
Identify the key elements which allows precedents to work in English court - Essay Example One interesting fact about the UK judicial system is that UK does not have one unified judicial system. There are three different systems can be witnessed one for England and Wales, one system for Scotland and one system for Northern Ireland (Hart & Hart, 2012). The judicial precedent of Northern Ireland is somewhat similar to that of England and Wales but the precedent in Scotland shows a quite different system altogether. As far as the English law is concerned depending upon the type of the case whether a criminal case or a civil case the hearing is conducted in different courts. The doctrine of judicial precedent is the base for the common law system. The principle of stare decisis is the base for the system of precedent. The inner meaning of this that the lower court has to take into account and follow the decisions of the higher courts where the facts of the cases are generally same. Thus this statement supports the need of understanding the hierarchy of the courts and their inter-relationship, which will help in understanding the development of the common law (Jacob, 2012). The hierarchy of the courts is as follows: When the precedent is set by the court at the same level, it is mandatory the court is bound by the previous decision. However, this particular rule is subject to exceptions (Baker, 2000). There are various considerations that can be applied depending upon the level of the court, which will determine if the court can depart from an earlier decision of a court at the same level. This court does not generally recognize the doctrine of precedent and has the freedom to depart from its own earlier decision. But the decisions from the European Court of Justice are bound to all courts in England & Wales. The Supreme Court replaced the House of Lords on 1st October 2009. The jurisdictions of the Supreme Court are same as that of the House of Lords and the Justices of the Supreme Court will take up the
Rapunzel Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Rapunzel - Essay Example It so happens that Rapunzal’s real mother, during her long-awaited pregnancy demands the fruit of Rapunzel plant grown in the neighboring garden. Her husband complies with the same, but is caught by the owner Dame Gothel, who frees him with the promise of handing the coming child to her. Consequently, the parents surrender to Dame, which confides the girl in a magical tower having no stairs or other source to reach. Dame herself assures her entrance to climb over the tower by holding the girl’s very long blonde hair she offers by felling the same through the window of the tower. Since the girl, named Rapunzal, is not familiar with the outer world, no one has got acquaintance with her dwelling in the tower. Somehow, a prince discovering her voice while singing, and detected the way to reach her during night hours. The both fall in love and promise to get married. However, Dame detects the affair, deprived Rapunzal of her hair and kicks her out of the tower. She also fell s the prince from the tower, and the fall deprives him of his eyesight. Both the two spent many years in wandering, and subsequently reunited with the help of the same singing voice of the girl. The prince leads her to his kingdom where they enter into marital knot and thus lead a happy life for the rest. Since the fairytale invites the curiosity of the readers for the explanation of theme and symbols involved in the story, the present paper aims to throw light on the same by applying psychoanalysis of the story. Presented by illustrious Austrian psychologist Sigmund Freud, psychoanalytic theory specifically concentrates upon the erotic feelings prevailing in human mind. He not only declares sexual gratification as one of the most imperative thing in human conscious and subconscious, but also interprets every dream as the outcome of unfulfilled sexual desires. Somehow, his theory is not confined to sexual gratification only. Rather, all the actions providing mental and physical plea sures are the part of his theory. The same can be witnessed in the story under analysis, where Rapunzal’s mother forces her husband to pluck the plant from the adjacent garden for her, and the husband acts upon her instructions without taking legal and moral legitimacy of the theft on the one hand, as well as the outcome of his entering the garden without permission on the other. (1-2) The same is the case with the enchantress, which turns extremely haughty and revengeful towards him, and demands the most precious thing the couple has been waiting for the last several years i.e. their coming child. Thus, the small wish to taste the fruit of a plant that did not belonged to the couple deprives them of the beautiful child they have been waiting vey anxiously for a long time as the greatest joy their life. The enchantress’s keeping Rapunzal confined in the tower far from the eyes of the people also reflects upon the very fact that she does not allow any sharing in the lov e between her and the adopted daughter. She provides all basic necessities to the girl, but fails to comprehends with the reality that when the god Eros hurls his arrow in the heart of the individuals, it is really hard to escape its affects altogether. The same is the case with the young girl, who cannot resist the charm of love growing in her heart at her first meeting with the prince, and is captivated with the sweet words he delivers in her praise. It not only urges the wish to attain freedom from her many years long imprisonment, but also seduces her to make erotic love with the prince. Hence, carnal desires overcome the feelings for her so called mother, which forces her put her life at stake in the pursuit of physical love. Here appears the
Thursday, October 17, 2019
What are the most important present and future foreign policy Essay
What are the most important present and future foreign policy challenges and what are the possible foreign policy options for dealing with those challenges - Essay Example The question then becomes how to fight for the values we believe in. America during this period and up until the present day has been trying to find foreign policy options that allow it to fight for what is believes in. The choice in a real sense has been between soft power and hard power. America has chosen the latter, while Europe has chosen the former. The Balkan Wars were one of the first stumbling blocks to the concept of a peaceful new world order. It turned out that having the US as the lone power in the world was not a solution to problems around the world. There was simply too much to be responsible for. As was demonstrated in the Balkans in the 1990s, Europeans weren’t able to project a credible military force even within Europe. This was a painful time for Europe. Instead of solving global conflicts, they looked inward. The Europeans resorted to the only real talent they had at the time: endless diplomatic measure through international institutions such as the UN. The success of European integration and solving the "German problem" had led a lot of Europeans at the time to believe that they live in a Kantian paradise where international institutions could banish war forever. This illusion came crashing down with the Balkans, where the Europeans were powerless in the early 1990s, and Chechnya, where they chose to tur n a blind eye, intimidated by an unstable and resurgent Russia, and unable to finding a compelling political reasons to engage. The truth is that America and Europe are very different and have different foreing policy goals and different methods of achieving those goals. Indeed, they have different values. There is reason to believe that the Americans and Europeans act differently. Americans are big and strong (both economically and militarily) whereas Europeans are relatively weak (especially militarily). This influences the way they see the world in a very profound sense. This means that America has to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
SOC 318 Project T2 Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
SOC 318 Project T2 - Research Proposal Example The question of whether science or religion is more dependable for humans to go forward in life has been a million dollar question since the end of middle ages. The truth of religion became a lesser truth, as science evaded the intellect of humans with a full fledged armoury of reason. From this crisis, emerged several attempts to prove that there is no contradiction between both. These attempts were both in the field of content as well as the methods of scientific investigation. One of the scholars who came in defence of religion was Alister McGrath (1999) who has argued that models and analogies are used by humans to describe complex entities (p.144) in a similar way in religion and science. These entities can be an atom or a molecule in science. They can also be god in religion. Thinkers and scholars like McGrath since then have always tried to draw parallels between these two major schools of thought that exist in human mind. Natural sciences use certain models to describe some aspects of such a complex systems. Primarily, a simple structure of the model is created and tested for accuracy and then it is developed to include hitherto ignored and more complicated features of a complex system. McGrath (1999) has cited the kinetic theory of gases as an example for such scientific models (p.145). In science, when the pressure, volume and temperature of gases were changed, the behaviour of all gases was found to be according to certain laws irrespective of their chemical identity. Boyles’ law and Charles’ law were the major among these laws. Combining these two laws, a perfect gas equation was derived, according to which, gas particles are visualised as invisibly small balls which are in constant collision with the walls of the container. So the pressure on the walls can be calculated from the rate of change of
What are the most important present and future foreign policy Essay
What are the most important present and future foreign policy challenges and what are the possible foreign policy options for dealing with those challenges - Essay Example The question then becomes how to fight for the values we believe in. America during this period and up until the present day has been trying to find foreign policy options that allow it to fight for what is believes in. The choice in a real sense has been between soft power and hard power. America has chosen the latter, while Europe has chosen the former. The Balkan Wars were one of the first stumbling blocks to the concept of a peaceful new world order. It turned out that having the US as the lone power in the world was not a solution to problems around the world. There was simply too much to be responsible for. As was demonstrated in the Balkans in the 1990s, Europeans weren’t able to project a credible military force even within Europe. This was a painful time for Europe. Instead of solving global conflicts, they looked inward. The Europeans resorted to the only real talent they had at the time: endless diplomatic measure through international institutions such as the UN. The success of European integration and solving the "German problem" had led a lot of Europeans at the time to believe that they live in a Kantian paradise where international institutions could banish war forever. This illusion came crashing down with the Balkans, where the Europeans were powerless in the early 1990s, and Chechnya, where they chose to tur n a blind eye, intimidated by an unstable and resurgent Russia, and unable to finding a compelling political reasons to engage. The truth is that America and Europe are very different and have different foreing policy goals and different methods of achieving those goals. Indeed, they have different values. There is reason to believe that the Americans and Europeans act differently. Americans are big and strong (both economically and militarily) whereas Europeans are relatively weak (especially militarily). This influences the way they see the world in a very profound sense. This means that America has to
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Publix Essay Example for Free
Publix Essay October sixth my birthday. Just turning sixteen years old. I finally got a car, a license, and a bunch of friends to tote around. The only probably being, I didnt have a job. Now that I was legal to work in the United States, I couldnt wait to finally get a job and have my own money. I knew that I would have to get one once I turned 16. My parents were always super strict on being independent and developing work experience, so I started applying places. The first thing that set me up for failure was the time of the year I was applying. Its a fact that late fall, and winter time is the worst time to apply for a job, because companies do not want to take on new people right as the busy time is rolling in. Another thing is my standards on where I would apply, and where I would not. And Publix grocery store was number one on that list. I had such a bad idea in my brain about Publix. I thought that it was such a low job, that only people who were desperate worked as baggers there. After putting in more than fifty applications and only getting one call back, I finally broke down and applied to Publix. Take in mind, this was about a month and half after I turned sixteen; so I was paying for gas in change I found in couch cushions, and money I made from doing chores. About January 4th, after I forgot I even put in an application, I got a call while I was working out at Planet Fitness, the call was from Ramona Novak, the administrative coordinator at the Publix on the island. She called to ask if I was still interested in coming in for an interview. I said yes, and she told me to come in that Friday. I got off the phone, and I told my friends, Cambria and Chloe who I had just talked to, and told them I had an interview at Publix but I didnt think I was going to go because I didnt want to bag groceries for a living. They talked me into going, and that I didnt have anything to lose. Come that Friday, I was a nervous wreck. And I never get nervous. I love getting in front of crowds, talking in front of people, and just being myself all the time. But people who have authority over me and who can pretty much make or break a situtation make me entirely too nervous. I left school early that Friday, because I didnt want to start my future Publix career late to my interview. I remember exactly what I wore, and let me just say it was not interview appropriate I had on jeans, worn out brown winter boots, a black cardigan, and a cheetah scarf. Sounds okay for a high school student, but definitely not for an interview, I pretty much set myself up for failure. I arrived to the store ten minutes early, because my dad always told me if your not five minutes early, then you are late. Punctuality is always a good thing. I waited at customer service, not having any idea who to talk to, or what to do. They finally noticed me awkwardly standing there and asked me if I needed help. I told them I had an interview, and they took my upstairs to wait. I sat down in the break room, nervously awaiting my fate. I felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest. The door finally swung open, and Ramona told me to come into the office. It was time for my interview. I walked in, and shook hands with the one and only, Mr. Dave Scott. He asked me basic questions, then we got into school stuff, work experience, why I wanted this job, and I felt like I was taking a quiz in chemistry class, not knowing any of the right answers. Mr. Scott told me that he had a report card he would have to fill out whenever I left which made me even more nervous. The interview lasted probably ten minutes tops. I thanked him for his time, and he told me he would look over it and hopefully give me a call. I walked out of his office, thinking Id never enter this building again. I knew I had blown it. He didnt like me, he thought I was too inexperienced, I wouldnt fit in here, I answered the questions all wrong. All I could think about is where I would be applying to next. A couple days later, I got a phone call from an unknown number, I answered it out of curiosity and it was Ramona telling me that I got the job. I was ecstatic. I would never have to lift another couch cushion for change again. She told me I had to come in for a drug test, and to sign some papers. I came in a few days later and I took the drug test. Never have I touched a drug in my life, but I was so nervous that somehow, someway a drug got into my system and the test would come out positive and I would never get this job. But it didnt, and she called me and scheduled my days to come in for training. This day she also gave me my uniform. I was so excited to go back home and try it on and wear my new name tag. Training was a very unique experience. Pretty much it was fifteen future Publix employees from different stores in one tiny room learning about the history of Publix, slip prevention, till reports, and how to avoid damages. I remember exactly who I was sitting next to, because those people work at my store now. The one guy was like 27, reeked of cigarettes, and fell asleep each day of training, he was definitely a strange one. Its pretty ironic how were really good friends now. And the girl I went to school with, but I didnt know her too well, so it was a little awkward. I was the loudest person in training though, everyone probably hated me. I answered all the questions, and vollunteered for each activity. I was just so excited. January 21st: my first real day of work. I remember this day like it was yesterday. I came in with my apron still having the fold marks on it, my hair was in a bun on top of my head, and I had silver glitter on as eye shadow. I was ecstatic to be a front service clerk, bag peoples groceries, put them in their car, all for minimum wage. So, I clocked in and I met my customer service team leader, Brandi Griffin. Brandi helped me so much my first day, I have her to thank for making me want to come back for my second. She had another front service clerk (or as I like to call them, baggers) train me. Now this was probably the most awkward situation of my life. Bagging is a pretty simple task, bread and eggs go to together, cans on the bottom, and the produce in one bag, and I think I understood that in training. So Ben just kind of stood there watching me while Brandi was behind me giving me thumbs up and smiling from ear to ear. I finally was on my own. And then Brandi told me to go get carts. The first time I ever did this was terrible. I had no idea how to turn or push these massive things, and I ended up hitting an elderly customer on my very first day. I was mortified. Come that night, I was closing. Which meant I had to do floor care, and since I am a minor, I had to mop. The first time I ever mopped, I had blisters on my hands for a week. Come eleven o clock that night, I had never been more excited to leave anywhere in my life. I came home, took, a shower, and passed out on my bed. After a couple of months of getting used to things, drowning out the constant beep, beep of the registers, getting in the flow, and meeting my coworkers, my assitant customer service manager, Kayce Jenkins told me, Amanda were cross training you tonight. Those six words had never sounded so good together in my life. Cross training meant, I would be a cashier, along with being a bagger. Not at the same time though. The first time I was ever on a register, I messed up so bad. Which is to be expected because I was so nervous again. I really enjoyed cashiering though, I felt pretty confident by the end of the night. I hate to toot my own horn, but now that Ive been a cashier for a while, Im pretty fast, and I know the majority of the fruit PLU numbers. Its always really fun when a customer comes in with a lot of coupons, its like a game. How much lower can my bill get?! At Publix, I feel like were one big family. I call Kayce mom, and she calls me cupcake. Remember Mr. Dave Scott? Mr. Intimidating? He called me cupcake the other day shocked is an understatement. We do everything together and not just cause were forced to work and get along. But I remember when we vollunteered for Habitat for Humanity together. A team that works together, builds houses together. Lets just say me and my coworkers got really personal that day, we learned a lot about eachother. They finally learned I wasnt always a positive person after working in the sun for a good six hours. I also had to close and do floors that night so, I technically worked a 16 hour day. Working as a minor definitely has its advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that during the school year, on school nights I can never stay past 10:15, so that means I never have to do floors Sunday through Thursday. Something else is that at every single Publix, there is this thing we do called beverage checks. It is pretty much when two Publix assosicates, one that is under 18, and one that is under 21, goes to another Publix store dressed in regular clothes not in our uniforms, and tries to buy tobacco, lottery, and alcohol. Since I am under 18, Im always responsible for the tobacco and the lottery tickets. Its very nerve wracking and you feel really bad if you do trick the person into selling it to you. But its also very fun because its like a mini field trip from work, that you get paid for, and you get to practice your acting skills and see how old some people think you are. I have never actually had someone sell the illegal items to me before though, so thats a good thing. Some disadvantages that come with being a minor at Publix is that we cannot opperate the motor carts, that some disabled or elderly customers use. So if Im out doing carts, and I see one of the motor ones, Im not aloud to touch it. Also Im not aloud to opperate the scrub machines, when I do floors. So every single time I do them, I have to mop. And lastly, there are things called minor violations, and this pretty much means that if I work for more than three hours at a time, without a break, Publix will get a $1,000 dollar fine for each minute Im over three hours. So whoever is running the front, always reminds me of my break. This is can be an advantage or a disadvantage. Because 95% of the time, I do know when my break is, Im responsible enough to check it, and they always remind the minors fifty times when their breaks are which can get annoying. But Im thankful for it because that 5% of that time that I dont know when my break is, I know that theyre there to tell me it. It probably sounds like I hate my job after telling you the disadvantages, but the advantages, the people, and my managers definitely outweigh the disadvantages every time. And I truly love my job. One of the things that comes with working for a big corporation is promotions, retirements, and letting people go. This can be a very heart breaking process that I have experineced numorous times. The first time I got a taste of this was a couple months after I started working there, I became close with a customer service associate, Brandee (a different Brandi than the first one. ) We always had our breaks together, and she was all around such a sweet and amazing person and Im so thankful to have met her and have her in my life. The day she told me that she was getting a promotion, I was so ecstatic for her, but then she told me that shed have to be transferring and my heart broke in half. Another example is Brandi, our customer service team leader. She told me that she got a promotion to be an assitant customer service manager at another store. After a couple rounds of this I finally realized, change is inevitable. People change, work changes, positions change, you just have to accept it and move on. Just keep those people in your heart, and visit them often. But one change was harder to accept than the rest. And I think its ironic that Im writing my essay on this, and this just happened at work. Dave Scott? Remember him? Well August 31st, 2012 was his last day as a bagger, a cashier, an FEC, a deli clerk, and most importantly a Publix store manager. I believe Dave Scott was the foundation of our store. He took pride in his employees and his customers. And really believed in the open door policy, he was always available to talk to, no matter the situation. Although this is my first job, I know for a fact Mr. Scott will be the best boss I will ever have. He wasnt just a boss to me, I looked up to him, he was like a second father, and a truely great friend. I found out about his retirement on August 30th. I came into work about ten minutes early, to put my stuff down, and to talk to people. I noticed there was a circle of managers at the door when I walked in so I asked Katelyn what was going on. She said to me, Mr. Scott is retiring. Tomorrow is his last day. After hearing those words it felt like my mind went blank. I couldnt believe cupcake would be gone, tomorrow. I started freaking out, not knowing what to say, figuring out the right way to say good bye, but nothing was coming to me. So I walked over to the time clock to wait for 5:30 to punch in. I turned and looked in the direction of the huddle of my mangers and Mr. Scott caught my eye and started walking towards me. Come her, cupcake! , he said with his arms wide open for a hug. Keep in mind I dont think Ive ever seen Dave Scott hug anybody in my life, so I was pretty shocked. We hugged and I was tearing up, I didnt even know what to say. He said hed miss me, and I told him I would miss him so much, and I asked him what he planned on doing now. He said he was going to open some new genius company, and I told him I would gladly work for him there. After all, hes the one who gave me the job I hold dear to now. Obviously he knows where people belong. I believe in fate and karma. That everything happens for a reason and positive thinking. For some reason, that one company who didnt call me back for an interview wasnt supposed to. I was supposed to scrounge for change for those first three months, to fall into place of where I am now. Store 336 has my heart. I couldnt imagine working anywhere else because I know Id be upset. I was always the person to say Do what you love for a living, that way it never feels like a job. I dont want to stay at Publix for the rest of my life, but I do know I will be working my way up into the system, and who knows, maybe one day Ill be my own version of Mr. Scott. I hope to make an impact on some of my coworkers lives, just like they have on my own. People always ask me if I really do like my job, it may come off as misleading because Publix grocery store doesnt seem like a fun place to work to others, but Im so thankful to have the job I do, and to truely enjoy it.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Bringing Technology To Early Childhood Education
Bringing Technology To Early Childhood Education There have been studies conducted on bringing technology to early childhood education. There has been seen benefits on introducing technology to early education but they were able to see some difficulties and disadvantages in doing so. The researcher is trying to find out the different advantages and disadvantages and see which outweighs, benefits or the shortcomings. The function of technology in early childhood education, birth to age eight, is a contentious matter. Parents and educators are concerned regarding possible benefits or damages to young children. Critics argue that technology in schools wastes time, money, and childhood itself by getting a move on the pace and cutting down on important learning practices (Cordes Miller, 2000; Healy, 1998). Supporters propose that children should have the benefits that modern technologies can offer. Considerate observers are worried that at the same time as exciting and potentially valuable things are occurring with children and computers, we may not be utilizing these tools in the paramount ways, or acquiring the results we expect (Healy, 1998; Kleiman, 2000). The topic is from time to time presented as a simple question: Should my students, my children, make use of computers or not? While this query is valid, the questions are broader and more complicated. Computers are by now in homes and classrooms, and little children are using them. Additional helpful question is what are suitable and important uses of technology with children? Furthermore, given that technology is being used, how can teachers take advantage of the capacity of these tools to improve childrens learning and growth, while keeping away from possible problems? Research proposes suitable and efficient uses of technology in early learning and offers guidance in deciding on the tools and making the environment necessary for profitable technology use. Studies point to how technology can be used to hold up and promote the growth and education of preschool and primary age children. The significant factor is a fair method to technology in learning, with considerate preparation to give for the significant needs of early days. Vygotsky (1978) states that, childrens learning begins long before they attend school and that any learning a child encounters in school always has a previous history. According to the Harvard University Scientific Council on the Developing Child (2007) the quality of a childs early environment and the availability of appropriate experiences at the right stages of development are crucial in determining the strength or weakness of the brains architecture, which, in turn, determines how well he or she will be able to think and to regulate emotions. It is important to get an understanding of the preschool environment about the way the children learn and that the social and intellectual characteristics of teachers and parents have an influence on the children (Vygotsky, 1978). Vygotsky (1978) further argues that there is a difference in the way preschool and school children learn. Children are born as being inquisitive, energetic, passionate motivated, risk taking, thinking and do the impossible, creative, can see the end product, try over and over again and can learn through mistakes (Peel Prinsloo, 2001: 5). Conezio French (2002) states that many early childhood teachers are hesitant about introducing science in their classrooms, often because of their own unpleasant science education experiences. Statement of the problem: Is it beneficial when technology is injected to children in early education? How does technology, being part of the curriculum, become an improvement in teaching methods? Does technology help children build interest to learning? How does this help the children in being participant in school? Is it the right timing for children aged 6 and below to learn with technology around them? What are its implications in terms of learning? Literature Review Studies show that when computers are located in the classroom, childrens developmental gains from using appropriate software are significantly greater than when they are in a computer lab (Davis Shade, 1999). Reasons cited include: Limited exposure to computers when they are placed in labs The tendency to use drill-and-practice software in labs, while more tool-oriented software is used in classrooms Less collaboration and peer tutoring in lab settings Other studies offer additional support for locating computers in the classroom: Using a computer laboratory pulls children out of their usual setting and takes away other rich options (Bredekamp Rosegrant, 1994) Using a program as whole-group instruction, common in a lab setting, denies the computers power as an individual teaching tool (Bredekamp Rosegrant, 1994) Computers within the classroom enable children to use or not use them as they wish (Davidson Wright, 1994) As detailed in the Social and Emotional Development section, arranging the classroom to allow and encourage conversation around the computers is essential in creating opportunities for student interaction. High-quality pedagogy and rigorous learning aims should direct the option of materials and tools, as well as technology, to be utilized in learning activities (Bredekamp Rosegrant, 1994; Davis Shade, 1999). Whatever materials or tools are best suited to the activity will be used; sometimes computers are the best tool for the job, and sometimes they are not; the secret is knowing the difference (Davis Shade, 1999, p. 237). Computers are powerful tools that, as with other technologies, are most beneficial when used as a natural part of the learning experience. This includes: Integrating computers into the classroom environment Using them as a part of the ongoing curriculum Applying their use to real problems for a real purpose (Davis Shade, 1994) Written language, like oral language, is learned by doing things with words in the real world, using language for a purpose (Novick, 1998). Early childhood classrooms encourage written literacy by providing materials to use in pretend play, and by encouraging children to express themselves in writing (IRA NAEYC, 1998). Studies indicate that word-processing software encourages writing, and leads to increased motivation and improvement in writing skills. Computers and writing programs can be used with preschool aged children to explore written language, and their use can be successfully integrated into process-oriented writing programs as early as first grade or kindergarten (Clements Nastasi, 1993). Such software: Provides critical support, or scaffolding, for young writers, enabling them to perform tasks they could not perform by themselves (Clements Nastasi, 1993) Allows children to compose longer and more complex stories and worry less about mistakes (Davis Shade, 1994) Facilitates positive attitudes toward writing and word processing among children from kindergarten through primary grades (Clements Nastasi, 1993) Encourages students to write more, more effectively, and with greater fluency (Apple Classrooms of Tomorrow, 1995) Helps children gain confidence in their writing and increases motivation to write more when using computers than with paper and pencil (Clements Nastasi, 1993) Computers also provide students a private place for practice while learning, without fear of public failure. Especially during the primary grades, when children are expected to acquire an acceptable level of mastery of mathematical content and literacy, the computer can serve as a supportive tool for those children who have more than average difficulty succeeding (Bredekamp Rosegrant, 1994, p. 59). Preschool teachers bring experience with children, knowledge of the limits imposed by the curriculum frameworks and flow of life in kindergartens. They also need to master a number of practices and to be aware of preschool technology experiences and their importance in subsequent school development. They also have to be adaptive learners. One of the teachers role is to gain access to the childrens ideas about technology and to make the right decisions on how they can be developed. The main goal of education should be seen in the development of intellectual and creative abilities of students. Piaget (1929) worked on how childrens ideas develop. Recent studies (Raper et al 1987, Reiss 1993) show that effective teaching and learning depend on childrens existing ideas and subsequent good teaching. So, the way teachers accept and teach technology is very important to young children. New Technologies (NT) provide new opportunities to the teaching and learning process. Researchers (Clements 1994, Shade et al 1990) have shown the gains and the obstacles of the use of technology in education. It is noticeable, that they all agree that technology is a useful tool in the teaching process when it is not misused (Aubrey 1994, Campbell et al. 1992, Shayer et al 1981). As preschool educators become active participants in a technological world, they need training and support to find ways to incorporate technology into their classrooms. So, education on NT to preschool teachers is an important factor of applying technology to childrens classroom. Young children have needs that are real and different from those of older children and adolescents. Children from birth to age eight are learning rapidly, using all of their senses and their entire bodies to take in sensations and experience the world around them. During this period of their lives they learn through their play and exploration across five essential developmental dimensions (Kagan, Moore, Bredekamp, 1995). These dimensions include: Social and Emotional Development. The ability to form and sustain relationships gives meaning to learning experiences. Responsive interactions provide a sense of well-being that enables children to form attachments with others and participate positively in educational activities. Language Development. Language empowers children to participate in both the cognitive and affective parts of the educational program. Experience with written and oral language provides children with the tools to interact with others, and to represent their thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Physical Well-Being and Motor Development. A childs health is connected to preparedness for and performance in learning activities. Healthy children are able to focus on and actively engage in experiences crucial to the learning process. Cognition and General Knowledge. Children need opportunities to interact with the people and objects in their environment, and to learn from their surroundings. Experiences and interactions with peers and adults allow children to construct knowledge of patterns, understand relationships between objects or events, and learn ways to solve problems. Approaches Toward Learning. Children can be successful learners in many different ways. By understanding the predispositions and learning styles that influence a childs response to learning opportunities, adults can encourage and increase engagement. Childrens activities and experiences with computers will evolve over time as they grow and develop. Very young children often use computers with help from an adult or older child. As they mature children use computers more independently, and the teachers role moves from guidance toward monitoring and active facilitation. Young children learn through exploration and discovery. If computers are used with children in kindergarten, preschool, or child-care settings, the computer should be one of many activity choices they can explore (Bredekamp Rosegrant, 1994). During choice time, for example, a computer center may be one of several options. Children frequently use computers for short periods, then become interested in another activity. Three- to five-year-olds generally spend about the same amount of time at a computer as they do on other activities such as playing with blocks or drawing. They are more interested and less frustrated when an adult is present, and much of the computer use will be facilitated or mediated by the teacher, which is consistent with best practice at this level (Clements Nastasi, 1993). For this age the value of the computer is in its open-ended use, not in creating a product (Davidson Wright, 1994). The teachers role is to create an environment in which children become aware and explore, and then act to support their exploration and inquiry in many different ways. Software programs for this age group should be limited in number and appropriate for childrens skill level and the intended use. As children become more able to read and write on their own they are not limited to icons and pictures on the screen for understanding. More opportunities for independent use become available with increasing language and literacy skills. For example, simple word processors become important educational tools as children experiment with written language. The teachers role is to set up the environment and activities, matching technology use to the curriculum as well as to the childrens needs and interests. The teacher is less involved in directing the activities, and more involved in monitoring student activities, intervening as necessary to guide and pose questions that encourage thinking. Research Procedure (Methods) The researchers plan to have an evaluation on the students before and after the technology is integrated in the curriculum. The evaluation before introducing technology will help us determine the effect on the performance of the students. The researchers will be asking help from different teachers and well-known specialists on early childhood education. Population and Sample One classroom, which is composed of 30 students, will be the evaluated. The 30 students will be subdivided to different level of thinking and characteristics. This will be enough for the researchers to have an accurate finding and results. Research Design The design of the study is a correlation research since it is intended to determine: first, the relationship of technology to the augmentation of the performance of the students; second, the effectiveness of the incorporating in the curriculum the technology on increasing good competency in terms of grades and performance. It is also a qualitative study for the researchers will be conducting interviews regarding on the attentiveness of the students due to the introduction of technology mixed with their program. Instrumentation and Data Collection The researchers visited the [Insert name of University Library or City Library] for journals, articles and studies needed for the research paper. The researchers gathered time-series data from different physical training institutions to assure of its validity and consistency. The primary data will be gathered using quantitative method, as this is best useful with questionnaires. The use of quantitative method will be appropriate for the research because the results in the questionnaires consist of numerical information, mostly based from the ratings included in the questions. Quantitative methods are used to provide reference to numeric calculations and are often used with questionnaires that have a specific goal and a target to achieve. This is helpful in the research, and its instigation in the process needs to be further culminated so that the problem is solved with efficiency and precision. In gathering data, the researcher would like to clear certain ethical issues that might hinder the processing of data. First, confidentiality will be kept at all costs. As the main reason why questionnaires will be used in the research is for the respondents to feel secure and to be assured that their answers will not be related to who they are. There may be instances wherein the respondent will divulge information that will be detrimental to the company, or to its competitors, depending on the case. Hence, there is a better chance at more responsive respondents if they can be assured of their confidentiality. Second, the Data Protection Act will be followed at all costs. The compliance with the act will be transparently said to the respondents so that they are further assured that anything they say in response to the questions asked them will only be used for the benefit of the research and not in any other practices. It should also be clear to the researcher that any information regarding the respondents cannot be released to anyone who is not immediately connected with the research unless permission from the subject respondent has been secured beforehand. Third, the research must always bear in mind the objectives of the study and never stray away from them. A researcher who has no definite purpose in doing the research is going nowhere and is exerting effort in a research that is not delimited properly and punctually. The purpose of the research is explicitly stated at the beginning of the research and is implied in every step of the realization of the research so as to not delineate the researcher from his goals. Lastly, the researcher must opt to practice objectivity. As the researcher, he is expected to keep an open-minded approach to the topic, keeping from his mind and personal bias in the subject matter or on the people involved. The reason for doing research is to test existing information, validate, prove or disprove existing ideas, or to test the limits of a certain prospect. Given this simple definition, it is clearly seen that in no form is the personal opinions of the researcher expected to hinder in the subject. Any act that might be biased or subjective will hint of the researchs failure to achieve its goals. Planned Method of Analysis The researchers plan to analyze the different test conducted through constant evaluation of the trainers and how they perform. There will be a weekly evaluation in terms of how the training last, and the effect of it to their performance in the field. The performance in the field will be evaluated by the players stamina, body agility, and resistance. Conclusion Technology is an instrument that can offer another way for children to study and add up to their world. Computers can be utilized in expanding suitable ways that are helpful to children, or they can be misrepresented, just as blocks or any other resources can be tainted. And just as pencils do not substitute crayons but rather offer additional methods of expression, computers, or cameras or some other varieties of technology, do not substitute other tools but increase the selection of tools accessible to children to search, generate, and communicate. When used appropriately by skilled teachers, technology can support and extend learning in valuable ways and can increase educational opportunities for children. The key is finding the balance, knowing how to align the elements of a healthy childhood with the unique capabilities offered by technology. Preschool teachers bring experience with children, knowledge of the limits imposed by the curriculum frameworks and flow of life in kindergartens. They also need to master a number of practices and to be aware of preschool technology experiences and their importance in subsequent school development. They also have to be adaptive learners. All teachers found the course very interesting and worked on computers very hard. At the end of the course they learned how to write an essay on a computer and they became comfortable and confident in using computers. The problem they had to face at the beginning of the course was that they were not familiar with computers and NT. For some of them it was their first time to learn how to use a computer. Another problem they had with computers was the linguistic one. Some teachers did not know English very well and others knew foreign languages other than English. So, they had to learn at least the basic English terminology we use for computers before using the Internet. At the end of the course, technology proved for these teachers, as a tool for communication and collaboration amongst them and also a tool for teaching children. Telecommunications and the Internet enabled preschool teachers to obtain information about children in kindergartens from around the world and interacted with distant experts and peers. They collaborated on classroom projects and they learned how to use computers and technology in the future. Pedagogical considerations behind the course have shown that teachers become confident using NT when they practice on them at least once or twice a week. So we can conclude that technology is a powerful tool for professional development.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Analysis of Blakes London :: Blakes London Essays
Analysis of Blake's London In the formal approach method to critical analysis, it is essential to read William Blake's "London" mechanically. Blake uses his rhetorical skills of alliteration, imagery, and word choice to create his poem, but more importantly to express the emotional significance that is implied. William Blake's poem, "London", is obviously a sorrowful poem. In the first two stanzas, Blake utilizes alliteration and word choice to set the mournful atmosphere. Blake introduces his reader to the narrator as he "wanders" through the "chartered" society. A society in which every person he sees has "marks of weakness, marks of woe." Blake repeatedly uses the word "every" and "cry" in the second stanza to symbolize the depression that hovers over the entire society. The "mind-forged manacles" the narrator hears suggests that he is not mentally stable. In the third stanza, Blake utilizes imagery of destruction and religion. This imagery is a paradox, which implies some religious destruction like the apocalypse. The "chimney-sweeper's cry" symbolizes the society trying to clean the ashes that causes their state of depression. Blake uses the religious imagery of the "black'ning church" to represent the loss of innocence, and the society's abandonment of religion. The use of the soldiers creates an imagery of war. The "hapless soldier's sigh" symbolize how men are drafted into war and have no choice but to serve their country. As these soldiers unwilling march to the beat of the country's forceful drum, they know their lives will be taken, as their "sigh runs in blood down palace walls." Blake uses this sense of destruction to explain how people are forced to repair the "weakness" and "woe" of their society. The fourth stanza of "London" unravels the complex meaning of the poem. The "youthful harlot's curse" symbolizes how the youth's sinful deeds will effect the next generation. Their "curse" causes the "newborn infant's tear" which exemplifies how the new generation will have to correct the mistakes of the previous generation.
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