Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Customer Relations And Risk Management Essay - 789 Words
All three vendors mention similar business applications as well. Cloudera: Customer relations (360 view), Business Procession Optimization, Data Hub, Reporting/Metrics, Traditional Data Warehouse Replacement, Predictive Modeling, Telemetry, and Time Series Analysis. Hortonworks: Sentiment Graphing and Social Graphs (Marketing), Click Stream Analysis (Internet Marketing), Network Security, IT Compliance (HIPAA, Sarbanes Oxley, etcetc.), Sensor Data (â€Å"Internet of Things†), Predictive Analytics and Proactive Maintenance, Location Data Analysis, Text Analysis (Legal Discovery, Insurance Underwriting, and Application Risk Screening), and Data Hub. MapR: Security Risk Management, Marketing Optimization, Operational Intelligence, Enterprise Data Hub, and â€Å"Internet of Things†(RFIDs, sensors on appliances and equipment that a accessible over the web). All in all, all three vendors are promoting much the same business applications. Real-Time-Low Latency As far as real-time analytics, Cloudera uses their proprietary Impala software and Hortonworks uses open source Apache Kafka to collect data with Apache Storm to capture the data event and process them real-time for further analytics. MapR uses its proprietary software for â€Å"as it happens†real-time analytics; therefore, in terms of real-time analytics, all vendors appear even. All vendors claim low latency; however, MapR claims that their solution is consistently low latency and notes that others can still have latencyShow MoreRelatedRisk And Financial Impact. Risk Is Defined As The Probability1236 Words  | 5 PagesRisk and Financial Impact Risk is defined as the probability of liability or loss that is caused by both internal and external vulnerabilities, and which can be avoided by preemptive measures (Risk, n.d.). 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Effects Of Global Warming On The World Essay - 1816 Words
Diseases, war, etc... Those are major concerns of this world, and climate change is always a hot issue given to debate. It s not just a matter of a single country, but it’s a problem of the whole human race. Humanity is facing the risk of extinction. The impact of environmental pollution leads to climate change and natural disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanoes. Those disasters are caused by the impact of humans to nature, such as deforestation, ecological imbalance, and use of chemicals. Gas emissions from industries in urban areas are also a big factor that causes global warming. Earth’s temperature has been increasing each year. Glaciers melting are one of the early signs of global warming. If more glaciers melt, the sea level will increase which may cause flooding in certain areas. Global dimming is even more harmful to humans than global warming. Global dimming is also caused by humans because of the air pollution caused by burning coal, oil, and wo od, which releases carbon dioxide to the earth’s atmosphere. Air pollution can cause all kinds of illnesses, such as lung cancer, heart diseases, and asthma. Climate change is impactful worldwide. Even though some people say that climate change happens naturally, I believe it is caused by the impact of human activity. It is clear to see how the impact of humans affects the climate. As the human population increases rapidly, the need for housing, food, factories, and buildings also increases. Although, forestsShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1235 Words  | 5 PagesThey may not be feeling the effects of global warming at the moment, but in time it will become a more widespread issue. The effects of global warming are hard to refute, and there is endless evidence of this growing problem in our world today. 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The Global Warming remains,augmented thatRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1025 Words  | 5 PagesJacob Keirns Persuasive Paper Miss Beverly March 22, 2016 Global Warming â€Å"Some men aren t looking for anything logical, like money. They can t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.†-Christopher Nolan The late nineteenth century was a time of immense discovery, particularly in the world of science. First theorized in the 1890s, the idea of global warming has been around for just over 100 years, despite it’s relatively recent gain in tractionRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1575 Words  | 7 PagesGlobal warming has become a major issue in the world today. Not only are humans being affected, but many species and organisms are as well. Naturally, the Earth experiences heating and cooling cycles, and has over time. The ice age is a great example of a cooling cycle that was rather extreme. Since the industrial revolution, the amount of greenhouse gases has increased and built up in the atmosphere over time (Weart, 2015). The climate changes are being caused by the heat that is trapped in theRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1267 Words  | 6 Pages Over the course of the years global warming has become a threatening issue that scientists and the government have been cognizant about. Global warming is the term used to describe a gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth s atmosphere and its oceans, a change that is believed to be permanently changing the Earth’s climate. The earth periodically warms up and cools down. The Earth is currently going through a warming trend that coincides with the industrial revolution. ThisRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1185 Words  | 5 PagesThe Effects of Greenhouse Gasses Global Warming has been devastating the earth and economy for the last twenty-five years. Greenhouse gasses developed from the production of chemicals such as R-22, oil, and factories have destroyed ozone and ecosystems for the last hundred years. Carbon dioxide is produced naturally and absorbed by plants and animals, but, too much, and it is deadly. With the increase in automobiles and production, the world government has begun to address the issue of greenhouseRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effect On The World1036 Words  | 5 Pagesdefinition of Global warming is; a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth s atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Global warming is a very big issue that is slowly affecting the whole world. Climate change has been studied since the early 1970’s, and scientist of many different fields are agreeing that global warmingà ¢â‚¬â„¢s effects are increasing at a rapid pace. Global Warming was notRead MoreGlobal Warming And Its Effects On The World Essay919 Words  | 4 PagesThe world has many years existing in this galaxy and every day we see that is changing more and more but not in a very good way that it can end in the extinction of the planet earth. â€Å"Earth Hasn’t Heated Up This Fast Since the Dinosaurs’ End†(Lavelle). Carbon is growing so fast in the atmosphere faster than in the past 66 million years since the dinosaurs went extinct (Lavelle). All the presidents hold a position of power that could change this big problem that the planet is having, behind thisRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1823 Words  | 8 PagesGlobal warming is called by some as a threat to all people on all nations while others disregard it as another publicity stunt by the media. Research tends to indicate that humans have caused most of the past century s warming by releasin g heat-trapping gases as we power our modern lives. The result is global warming with the weather patterns shifting and glaciers melting, the world we know today is slowly dissipating as these changes bring about dramatic consequences for all on the planet includingRead MoreThe Effects Of Global Warming On The World1240 Words  | 5 PagesIn truth, before taking this class I never really cared about the environment, sure I would hear the occasional uproar about the effects of global warming or the growing hole in the ozone layer, however, it was always a non-factor. My passion has always been humans, their problems were my problems and I am always looking for a way to make their lives better. So, the planet may have been dying the ice caps may have been melting, however I always believed that one day humans would solve the problems
Monday, December 9, 2019
Change And Donate Towards Supporting Shark -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Change And Donate Towards Supporting Shark? Answer: Introduction The article details how alleged Donald Trumps sharks hatred is an inspration for individulas to support international shark charities financially. It indicates the revelation that Trump deslikes marrine animals. The revelation came through Touch Weekly interview with Stormy Daniels, adult film actress. The article has quoted Trump to have said that he would never contribute money to shark charities and that he hoped all of them died. It is indicated that shark conervation groups have subsequently acknowedged a surge in donations, includigng one dubbed, Because Trump. Charities like Atlantic White Shark Conservancy together with the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society are reported to have indicated to MarketWatch that they had received overwhelming donations. The CEO of Atalantic White Shark Conservancy, Cynthia Wilgren indicated that they had been receiving donations in the name of Trump following the publication of the story. It is further indicated that even Shark Trust, UK shark conservation group have reported remarkable increase in their funds. It is concluded that the increase in donations was due to the interview given by Ms Daniels in Touch Weekly where she alleged to have had an affair with Trump beginning 2006. It is from this affair that Ms Daniel allleged that Trump said that he had been donating to all such charities but did not know his money was being used to support sharks. Thus, after Trump had watch Shark Week on the Discovery Channel and realized that his moneyt was being used in conerving sharks, he swore never to donate again. Recommendation Action The chosen recipient of this letter is CEO of Atalantic White Shark Conservancy, Cynthia Wilgren. She is highly concerned with the content of this article becausse , this article has triggered massive donation to the organizations she manages, and this will help her achieve their goal of conserving sharks. To addres the issues addressed in the article, for example, the increase in donation, she should urge many other people and organization who may have same view as Trump to change and donate towards supporting shark. She should as well call for a public protest against Trumps assertions as this might put the life of sharks in jeopardy. References Donald Trump's 'hatred of sharks' benefits conservation charities." BBC News (24 January 2018): 1-3.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Management theories
Introduction Henri Fayol is believed to be the founder of contemporary management theory which is drawn from his extensive experience in the management field. In other words, he is acknowledged for his contribution in the field of management, having established a foundation for modern management theory.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Management theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Despite the fact that the Fayol management theories were developed in the 1900s, they continue to play an integral role in modern society. For instance, Pryor and Taneja (2010, p. 490) note that the 14 principles of management developed by Fayol are considered the basis for management as witnessed in modern organizations. The purpose of the essay is to show that in spite of the criticisms levelled on Fayol’s management theories, they still form a foundation of management in modern society. Body Modern organizations develop strategies, goals, and plans which act as guidance to an organization in achieving its objectives. This observation has been supported by Wren (2001, p.482) who note that Fayol acted as a strategist in making strategic decisions when he was head of management at Comambault. In addition, he had set long term organizational goals which were: profitability, restoring confidence to shareholders, ensuring that the organization remained competitive, and maintaining the welfare of employees (Wren 2001, p.482). All these activities which are based on the administrative aspect of management theory as applied by Fayol are part of modern management where organizations plan, set goals, and strategize. Furthermore, organizational managers act as representatives of shareholders, set goals and plan how to execute the goals. As a result, most organizations have adopted these three activities to ensure the welfare of different stakeholders is achieved. Profit maximization and gaining a competitive a dvantage over competitors are also major drivers of modern organizations which are pioneered by organizational managers. Although these examples are drawn from the mining sector where Fayol was the managing director and CEO, the perspective is still applicable.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, critics have been quick to note that Fayol used authoritarian form of leadership to execute his administrative abilities which may not be applicable in modern organizations (Brunson 2008, p.32). Nevertheless, the author adds that if a manager is asked the kind of responsibilities that he/she is entitled, the ultimate response would be planning, organizing, controlling, and controlling. Management in an organization leads to effectiveness and efficiency in the running of an organization. As noted by McLean (2011, p.32), as the managing director Fayol emphasised a lot on what man agement entails, how it could be executed and how it could be applied to achieve effectiveness and efficiency. In addition, he concluded by noting that the role of management was forecasting, planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating and controlling. This led to the development of different roles of management in an organization in order to achieve success and financial breakthrough or survive economic and financial crises. As regards the element of forecasting and planning, a manager should be in a position to forecast and undertake an analysis of the environment in which an organization operates (McLean 2011, p. 33). These managerial activities have continued to be practiced in contemporary management especially in the global markets characterized by high levels of change, increased competition, and increase in demand from customers. As noted by Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491), Fayol gave organizations the managerial role of planning upon his engagement in managerial post.Adve rtising We will write a custom essay sample on Management theories specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Planning and forecasting have since been adopted by organization in ensuring that they play an integral role in safeguarding the interests of different stakeholders. He also held on the belief that it was the role of the management structure to organize different parts of an organization such as resources, organizational systems, infrastructure, services, processes, and procedures which ensures that an organization fully achieve its ultimate end goals. Organizations are made of different players who have different skills such as managerial and technical skills. These two elements are part of the six activities which Fayol believed were crucial to organizational success. In this context, Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491) keenly observe that Fayol emerged as the first theorist to make a distinction between managerial and technical skill s. The distinction made was that employees at various levels within an organization required technical skills. This is because such skills would assist in the completion of different tasks in organizational levels. He added that even employees in management levels required a bit of technical skills which would be applied in the management of the production process. On the other hand, Fayol’s theory holds that managerial skills are important to employees who assume more responsibilities in managerial positions of an organization. The argument made here is that managerial skills are only necessary to employees who hold managerial positions while technical skills are important to all employees in an organization. What emerges in this point is that despite the need for proficient skills to all employees, some skills are for all people in an organization while others are to be found in a particular group. This can be illustrated fully in the turnaround of Comambault where Fayol ex hibited both his technical abilities as an engineer as well as a manager (Wren 2001, p. 484). The advantage of having technical skills is that a manager is able to use his expertise combined with managerial capabilities to effectively and efficiently run an organization.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fayol has been credited for his role in developing the 14 principles of management (Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491). The 14 principles of management were designed solely with the objective of guiding a manager to undertake his/her daily managerial activities. According to Parker and Ritson (2005, p.176), these principles have been designed in such a way as to assist managers in running successful organizations. One of the major principles applied in modern organizations is division of labour. Division of labour is used in reference to the distribution of work to different employees or groups so as to reduce the time taken by an individual or a group (Rodrigues 2001, p. 881). Based on this explanation, division of labour encourages specialization which reduces efforts for a group or an individual. In addition, division of labour develops familiarity and better work practices. The success of this concept can be drawn from Fayol application where he divided workers into different groups depending on their skills and expertise. This improved the overall performance and reduced the time taken in carrying out tasks. The argument can be supported by Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491) who note that division of labour in organizations encourages specialization which increases speed and level of performance. Speed and high level of performance improves efficiency in the workplace by encouraging employees to perform more efficiently thus saving time (Rodrigues 2001, p. 881). In addition, employees are divided into small groups and the group elements are allocated job depending on their specialization and skills. The only limitation is that it leads to group identification which may have a negative effect. Managers execute their obligation as custodians of the shareholders because of the responsibility and authority endowed in them. As noted by Pryor and Taneja (2010, p.491), Fayol acknowledged the need for managers to have authority over others and show responsibility so that an organization can achieve its organizational objectives. The implication made is that for an organization to achieve its ultimate goals, managers have to exercise authority which comes with responsibility. Fayol gave the distinction between authority and responsibility and warned that authority should never be confused with responsibility. As noted by Parker and Ritson (2005, p.176), authority is considered as the power of an individual to give orders to a group of people. In addition, authority is used to exact obedience in the workplace which creates harmony and a better working environment. Responsibility arises from exercising of authority over others in the workplace. Whenever a manager exercises authority to employees, different parties play their part in an organization. Managers have the responsibility to ensure that an organization operates smoothly. This can be achieved by exercising authority over subordinate members of the organization. McLean (2011, p.33) and Rodrigu es (2001, p. 882) note that managers play the role or coordinating activities in the workplace which is carried through the exercise of authority and responsibility. Some of the activities in modern management which require authority include harmonizing and unifying organizational efforts and activities. Despite the many benefits of the concepts of responsibility and authority, there are also disadvantages such as the abuse of authority and power by managers. In order for employees to execute their roles without any hindrance such as strikes and stoppages, remuneration is deemed important. Remuneration emerges as one of Fayol’s management principles, and according to Parker and Ritson (2005, p.176), the management of an organization should offer a fair remuneration to its employees. In addition, Fayol has described remuneration as the price an organization pays for the services rendered by its employees. In the modern organization, remuneration is paid in the form of salaries and wages. Furthermore, employees in any organization are paid based on performance or their level of value to such an organization. Fayol goes to the extent of explaining that there are different types of numeration which organizations offer to its employees (Pryor Taneja 2010, p. 492; Rodrigues 2001, p. 883). The different types of numeration as stated by Fayol include non-financial and financial incentives, profit sharing, piece rates, job and time. All these different forms of compensation play an integral role in an organization such as boosting employee’s morale and motivating employees to increase their performance levels. Compensation should be fairly carried in an organization to ensure that all employees are satisfied. Subsequently, harmony and understanding is achieved in the workplace which increases the level of production. Wren, Bedeian and Breeze (2002, p. 913) observe that remuneration is used to stimulate individual employee initiative which plays an integr al role in innovation and creativity. Therefore, the principle of remuneration is often applied by managers to carry out different tasks which may include other aspects such as personal satisfaction, self respect, and self interest. A manager is charged with the responsibility of ensuring discipline, unity of action, and order in an organization. The observation is supported by Wren et al. (2002, p.911) and Rodrigues (2001, p. 881) observations that different departments have different functionalities which work harmoniously under the leadership of a manager. In other words, managers play an administrative role as showcased by Fayol who was an administrator. Order and discipline are some of administrative management principles which were devised by Fayol (Parker Ritson 2005, p.176). Restoring and maintaining order in an organization involves organization and commanding people. These activities revolve around the principle of authority (Wren Bedeian 2009, p. 223). For a firm to att ain prosperity, unity of command is carried out. What this means is that a superior should give orders to employees which should come from the ruling authority. Fayol was keen to observe that dual command is more likely to result in conflict as it threatens stability, discipline, and authority (Rodrigues 2001, p. 882). Although the term commanding seems more authoritative in the 21st century when applied in some organizations, at the time, Fayol used the term to describe the responsibility a manager has in leading and directing employees towards the achievement of organizational goals. As noted by Maclean (2011, p.33), organizations in the 21st century use the term leadership instead of command as meaning of the process of influencing, directing and motivating employees to execute their role to work towards the realization of organizational objectives and goals. All these are achieved through order, discipline and unity of action (Parker Ritson 2005, p.176). Conclusion To sum it up , although Henri Fayol’s theories have been criticised on more than one occasion, nonetheless, they still form the basis for contemporary management theory. The main objective of the current essay was to show that despite these criticisms, the theory still finds application in modern organizations at the management level. Fayol was able to distinguish between responsibility and authority and to show how the two terms find application in organizations. In addition, he came up with the different roles of managers such as planning, setting goals, strategizing, and commanding, controlling and coordinating employees in the workplace. Employees are paid for their services through the remuneration process. Managers maintain order, discipline, and setting of goals. Through management principles, an organization is able to run effectively and efficiently. Therefore, although the Fayol theories on management have some flaws, they still form a very important part of modern leadership an d management. Reference List Brunsson, KH 2008, ‘Some Effects of Fayolism’, International Studies of Management Organisation, vol. 38, no. 1, pp 30-47. McLean, J 2011, ‘Fayol – standing the test of time’, British Journal of Administrative Management, Spring, pp 32-33. Parker, LD Ritson, PA 2005, ‘Revisiting Fayol: Anticipating Contemporary Management’, British Journal of Management, vol. 16, pp 175-194. Pryor, MG Taneja, S 2010 ‘Henri Fayol, practitioner and theoretician – revered and reviled’, Journal of Management History, vol. 16, no.4, pp. 489-503. Rodrigues, C A 2001, ‘Fayol’s 14 principles of management then and now: a framework for managing today’s organizations effectively’, Management Decision, vol. 39 no. 10, pp. 880-889. Wren, DA 2001, ‘Henri Fayol as strategist: a nineteenth century corporate turnaround’, Management Decision, vol. 39, No. 6, pp. 475-487. Wren, DA, Bedeian, AG Breeze, JD 2002, ‘Functions of Henri Fayol’s administrative theory’, Management Decision, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 906-918. Wren DA Bedeian AG 2009, The evolution of management thought, John Wiley Sons, New York. This essay on Management theories was written and submitted by user Payton Kelly to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. Management Theories
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