Sunday, January 26, 2020
Special Effects In Horror Movies
Special Effects In Horror Movies From our earliest days, we use our vivid imaginations to see ghosts in shadowy shapes, to be emotionally connected to the unknown and to fear things that are improbable. Watching a horror film gives an opening into that scary world, into an outlet for the essence of fear itself, without actually being in danger. Weird as it sounds, theres a very real thrill and fun factor in being scared or watching disturbing, horrific images. Horror films, when done well and with less reliance on horrifying special effects, can be extremely potent film forms, tapping into our dream states and the horror of the irrational and unknown, and the horror within man himself. (The best horror films only imply or suggest the horror in subtle ways, rather than blatantly displaying it, i.e., Val Lawtons horror films.) In horror films, the irrational forces of chaos or horror invariably need to be defeated, and often these films end with a return to normalcy and victory over the monstrous. The dissertation is based on the Study of cinematography and special effects in a Horror movie. In the recent past camera, lighting and special effects are of greater importance and fame, so it will be worth exploring those topics. As far as the technical aspect is concerned a brief research of how these kind of films are being filmed from the shooting spot itself, will be very useful for an aspiring artist to get a better idea about its development. Horror films go back as far as the onset of films themselves, over 100 years ago. Introduction: The researcher was interested in watching horror films from his childhood and he was deeply interested in these genres. In his childhood the researcher was very much impressed with the serial mainly called Genmam-X and Marmadesam. The drama that he staged in his schooldays with horror and scary effects as the theme was applauded well by the audience. So he started his concept and in addition to that he added makeup also. The tremendous response from the viewers made him start learning the concepts and idea relating to this genre and finally concluded with this concept. It is difficult to show scary effects in screens. If the director gets his requirements from all the technicians the film will be successful, otherwise it will not. In order to get success the film must contain interesting characters and it also depends on their acting. And in terms of technical aspects the cinematography and special effects play a major role. In Indian cinemas, there is some response for these kinds of genre when compared to Hollywood. The main aim of the upcoming short film is that after seeing this, many people have to change their mind to see horror films also. So the main thing that the film should contain is better cinematography with matching special effects. Instead of concentrating on the story alone, cinematography and special effects should be given more importance. Research Questions: What are Special Effects? Colors and intensity of lights? Camera trick and technique in cinematography? Special Effects (Make up) for horror movies? How the horror movies getting winning changes? Aim: To give the thrill the viewer expects mainly the use of the camera, lightings and Special Effects, Were Script play the secondary role. Statement of the problem: The main purpose of adding the special effects is to frighten the viewer.When it goes beyond the limit it might not be watched by many people. In this situation it may go to another genre of hardcore horror. It may scare people but it will create some abnormal effects in the minds of some people. Objectives: How is cinematography in horror films different from other films? What are special Effects? How is Special Effects done in horror movies? A Study of the cinematography for horror movies. How is make up done for horror movies? Significance of the study: Horror movies are the best platform to find rich special effects and lighting and Much interesting camera handling which gives the viewers a different experience From other films. The study through this dissertation is to understand The cinematography in horror films and application of special effects in them. With the gathered knowledge a short film based on horror story will be filmed. LITERATURE REVIEW Movies Reference: The name of the movie is Psycho (1960) and the director is Alfred Hitchcock. The cinematography is done by John L.Russell. Psycho is one of the best Hollywood horror movies. I saw this movie some time back. I thought it was the best example for lighting. In the film I saw one shot where the psycho is going to kill the lady who is taking her bath .In that scene the lighting was done very well. The 1961 best cinematography, Black and White John L.Russell Oscar was nominated for this film. Reference: The name of the movie is The Thing (1982) directed by John Carpenter with Special Effects by Rob Bottin. The movie was taken in 1982. In that period they used special effects and visual Effects and make up. The make up is so realistic that it will attract the viewer Quickly. A human is transformed to a demon easily and the scene is Presented very effectively which will fascinate the people. Even the lighting Effects are very good. And I watched this movie online. The comment was that it Was too scary. This shows how they have applied VFX and SFX. And the Best special effect 1982 Rob Bottin Saturn award nominated for this Film. Reference: The name of the movie is Van Helsing and the director is Stephen Sommers.The cinematography is handled by Allen Daviau. The movie Van Helsing comes under the genre of horror and it came out in the year 2004. In this movie they followed a really nice cinematography. Actually this movie came out from the comic that Van Helsing is a ghost hunter who will be roaming around the earth in search of ghost, In this movie also he is coming to a village in search of the ghost. There are two interesting characters in this movie one is the Frankenstein and the other one is the wolf character which was in the custody of the villain. The extra ordinary thing about the movie is that the CG In early days, man used special effects and later it got developed into visual effects. In this movie there are many visual effects shots. A few examples include the climate sequence where the ordinary man transforms into a wolf that is a quality CG work in the industry. Further there are many VFX shots in the movie. Special effects include the blood bossing from the mouth and the usage of the miniature in the movies where Gabriel (hero) taking the Frankenstein away from the village. Most of the shots were shot inside the studio and they were composited later. Usage of expressive and breath taking matte paintings added to the quality of the movie. The cinematography of the movie plays a major role because of the proper establishment and composition. Reference: The name of the movie is Mirror-2 directed by Victor Garcia. Cinematography is done by Lorenzo Senatore. I recently watched this film. It is really a kind of hardcore killing movie where we can find the hero who is replacing the old security guard in the office. The main concept behind this movie is the revenge by the girl who is killed by the head officer. And he is killing the people through the medium mirror. The main success behind the movie is the lighting and cinematography. Reference: The name of the movie is Saw-4, directed by Darren Lynn Bousman and cinematography by David Armstrong, This movie is the successor of the three early parts. The success behind the movie is that the usage of the equipments and the method he used for killing others. In the first scene the villain killed the victim by tying the body to a steel bed and the axe was in a to and fro motion just above the stomach of the victim where it got peeled into many pieces. Website Reference: This Media Studies Factsheet was researched Written by Steph Hendry The horror films are not from this period. Those films were taken from the very early times where they only depend on the special effects and the camera tricks .At that time also some nice pictures came namely the Frankenstein a ghost which was made by a man by assembling many internal organs .This is the fact, that behind the creation of the ghost namely Frankenstein, is one type of ghost. There are many types of ghost that may include the external ghost which was having its own appearance and they will have some special characteristics. The Internal ghost is that it will enter ones body and it will do some thing inside the body of the character. This is the kind of ghost and others include the vampire. Mostly all the thriller movies have this type of ghost, there will be a character sucking blood from the humans and using them for their existence. They will be more like humans living with them but they will have some special characteristics In the earlier periods the ghost will be only living inside the cave and later the living area of the ghost also increased ,no matter where the ghost are living it may be at school, it may in our home or inside ones soul no matter where it will be. So we can go to the place as we wish when going for this kind of genre. And nowadays time is also not a matter for the ghost it may come at day time or it may come when we are sleeping and when we are in dream. The only fact is that vampire can roam around the world during day times. Reference: Horror movies have been around since silent movies. Obviously being scared is something the audience want. The horror movie received a huge revival in the late 70s early 80s (Omen and Nightmare on Elm Street) but died a sad death in the late 80s and throughout most of the 90s. However, with the advent of the horror smash parody Scream the genre is, once again, extremely popular. What was frightening back in the silent movie days and what is frightening now may well have changed. As society changes so do our fears. For example, when moving image was first invented footage of a moving train caused fear in the audience because people really believed that the train would come straight out of the screen. Reference: Horror Film History A Decade By Decade Guide to the Horror Movie Genre 1980s Horror Films. Horror movies of the 1980s existed at the glorious watershed when special visual effects finally caught up with the gory imaginings of horror fans and movie makers. Technical advances in the field of animatronics, and liquid and foam latex meant that the human frame could be distorted to an entirely new dimension, onscreen, in realistic close up. This coincided with the materialistic ethos of the 1980s, when having it all was important, but to be seen to be having it all was paramount. People demanded tangible tokens of material success they wanted bigger, shinier, and faster, with more knobs on as verification of their own value in society. 1980s Horror Movies The Shining (1980) The Thing (1982) Videodrome (1983) Nightmare on Elm St (1984) Fright Night (1985) Re-Animator (1985) The Fly (1986) The Hitcher (1986) Near Dark (1987) Hellraiser (1987) The Evil Dead Childs Play (1988) . Reference: Horror Movies and Special Effects Posted By Poppa Scotch, Horror is a genre that puts everything on the line in regards to the physical boundaries of at least semi explainable human anatomy and any and all possible items that can be used to destroy it. There are decapitations, eviscerations, monsters, dead animals, rotting corpse and pretty much anything else that you can think of that have already made their way into horror cinema. The invention of the green screen and computer generated background really are only limited by the artists imaginations, which in turn is an amazing tool for filmmakers. They can turn skylines into post apocalyptic landscapes, they can transform a crappy warehouse into Times Square, and they can even add massive crowds of people to create a larger than life sporting event. My gripe comes from when the filmmakers (or special effects houses) get lazy. Its no secret that the appeal for a large number of horror fans is the gore killing, and the absolute carnage. Considering the main focus, the effects have to be believable to the viewer. Through our many years of growth and development of horror film viewing, special effects have come a long way as well as presenting us with a base of what we as viewers believe that gore should look like. Book
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Assessment Methods 3
Assessment Methods Assessment is the means of obtaining information or can be defined as a method of evaluating learning (The starting point for this is the curriculum along with the process of learning and teaching). This helps to know when a concept is understood or not, whether you have re-teach a topic or can move on, allowing teachers, pupils, and parents to make judgments about the pupil progression. (Wilson 2009) When choosing assessment items, it is useful to focus on the immediate task of assessing student learning in that particular unit of study. The primary goal is to choose a method, which effectively assesses the objectives of the unit. Choice of assessment methods should be aligned with the overall aims of the program, and may include the development of disciplinary skills (such as critical evaluation or problem solving) and support the development of competencies (such as particular communication or team skills. ) (Wilson 2009) When considering assessment methods, it is particularly useful to think first about what qualities or abilities you are seeking to engender in the learners. It is also important not to seem discriminating in any way and supportive to any learners who may have additional needs, giving the best opportunity to demonstrate their ability in respect to the course. There are wide ranges of assessment methods used to measure learning some I will touch briefly, two of these methods would be used for my subject area, which I will elaborate on. Assessment methods can be: †¢ Formative – the purpose is to indicate the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Formative assessment and the way it is used, is crucial to effective learning and teaching. It can identify areas of learning forgotten or misunderstood by the pupil, reveal unsuspected knowledge of skills, identify possible barriers and provide information on relevance, pace and interest of teaching for a learning group. †¢ Diagnostic – to indicate strengths and weaknesses of the learner †¢ Summative – for recording and reporting purposes at the end of the curriculum †¢ Informal – on-going for teacher and pupil information †¢ Self and peer assessment †¢ Verbal/oral- questions are asked in efforts to establish depth of knowledge and are useful assessment tool to complement observation in order to check understanding. Observation – this is used in practical situation when a learner demonstrates their competence or natural ability while being observed by the assessor. You can also observe group work, encouraging †¢ Simulation – this is similar to observation, but uses a simulated activity rather than a task or n atural performance. While this method is not generally supported by National Vocational Qualifications it can be appropriate when using high cost materials or in dangerous situations. Project and Assignments If assessment is to be seen as a valuable tool and respected by learners it must be seen to work effectively. For my subject area I would concentrate on Formative assessment and Initial /Diagnostic assessment. Formative Assessments Formative assessment is an interim judgment also known as ‘continuous assessment’ this mean it is ongoing, this give the learner the opportunity to know how they are progressing, giving them the opportunity to improve (Wilson 2009, Gravells 2008). This type of assessment is very motivational as it is seen as a review rather than an assessment, helping learners to progress and maximize their potential. Theorist David Kolb (1984) is used frequently to explain learning processes he describes how individuals learn from their experiences by trial and error. Reflective practice builds upon things that happen (concrete experience) and develop through understanding, like having another go at it, this Kolb suggest is a logical development, which constantly (through repetition) leads to better practice. Formative assessment method helps the student to constructively identify achievement and areas for further improvement. The teacher is able to evaluate the effectiveness of his own teaching to date, and to centre future plans based upon that evaluation During a Formative assessment (Minton 2009). Because of the flexibility of its application formative assessment is a great way for teachers gauge how effective their teaching is as it shows up areas of strengths and weakness in time for corrections to be made sooner than later. Formative assessment can be seen as a measure of the teacher’s ability to teach effective lessons by the results of student performance (Gould 2009, Minton 2009). Initial/Diagnostic assessment Initial assessment is a term given to that part of the learning process that aims to combine the learner, the teacher and the curriculum. Carrying out an initial assessment helps to plan appropriate sessions for learners, this is to identify the specific needs of learners and to devise the best teaching strategy. Wilson 2009, Petty2009) Initial assessment is really the first stage in a process designed to create an interesting and relevant program of study for learners, Looking at how Achievable and relevant the proposed course is the potential learner (Gould 2009). This type of assessment immediately gives credibility to the fact that assessment is very influential throughout the process of learning; it measures attainment, potential and identifies skill gaps, aspirations, support neede d and the level of ability of learners. A good initial assessment of learners’ suitability for a course can positively affect continual attendance and successful completion of a course (Minton 2005). Initial assessment sets out to do quite a lot and depending on the individuals. Individual differences will have impact upon teaching and it is important to recognize that as much as the individual is affected so also is the style and manner in which teaching is delivered, therefore expectations must be communicated in such a way as to positively influence students (Petty 2009, Gould 2009, and Minton 2005). It is very important the learner is well informed about the course before starting so a decision can be made about the suitability of the course for the learner. Diagnostic assessment is additional information, which is linked to information gather from the initial assessment. Together they help both teacher and the learner build a clear picture of the individual, based on the skills and knowledge already achieved. In order to begin the process of personalizing learning, developing an individual learning plan and begin the process of assessment for learning that will continue throughout the learner’s program make links to progression routes and prepare for the next steps (Gould 2009, Petty 2009). Individual differences will have impact upon teaching, so it is important to recognise that as much as an individual is affected so also is the style and manner in which teaching is delivered. Therefore expectations must be communicated in such a way as to positively influence students (Petty 2009, Gould 2009, and Minton 2005). It is important that teaching strategies are seen to be, and treated as strategies. These are always changing and it is important to make it a point of duty to be conversant with the all strategies that may be appropriate for the individual and collective needs of students as needs as well as pupils vary. Learning is cumulative that is to say that as a result of continuous and varying experiences human beings gain knowledge, form concepts, increase in skills and attitudes and thus are able to apply understanding and grow. During this process feelings are discovered about environmental factors and intrinsic values, learning can be viewed as a combination of cognitive, social and affective elements (Pollard 2008). The true focus of assessment is learning and how we learn. Adversely when intelligence and ability has become the focus, many authors have shown in their research that it is a nebulous concept to focus on measuring pupils’ intelligence or ability. Learning is crucial to the way in which human beings deal with different stages of life and determines whether or not good or bad experiences re-occur (Minton 2009). Over the course of time it has been realised that knowledge, understanding and learning is crucial and should be the focus of any form of assessment. Learning is constant and takes different shapes whether academically or socially it is a part of our lives whether you realize it or not life. Everyday we learn something new, how important it is to us, only an individual will know, this is determine through assessment whether self or secondary. . Bibliography 1. Practical Teaching A Guide to PTLLS& DTLLS: Linda Wilson 2009. 2. Reflective Teaching: Andrew Pollard 2008 3. Achieving your PTTLS Award: Mary Francis and Jim Gould 2009 4. Achieving your PTTLS Award: Mary Francis and Jim Gould 2009. 5. http://www. brookes. ac. uk/services/ocsld/resources/methods. html. 6. Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector: Ann Gravells 2008. 7. Reflective Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector: Jodi Roffey-Barentse and Richard Malthouse 2009
Friday, January 10, 2020
Joint Venture Essay
Joint ventures are business ventures formed by two or more companies to achieve aspecific, but limited, objective. An example would be the development of an offshore oil field, where a group of companies combines to build and operate a drilling platform and related pipeline. The project is owned equally by the affiliated enterprises and its management could be controlled either by one of the partners or by a separate management could be controlled either by one of the partners or by a separate management organisation established just for the project. The venture may be organised as a partnership ,a corporation ,a joint-stock company or some other legal form, and it can contunieindefinetly.The rational for a joint venture is usually to diversify risk among the members and or to combine expertise and assets that none of the participants provide alone. : Roy L.Crum,Eugene F.Brigham& joel.F.Houston.(2005)Fundamentals of international finance.1st edn. THE ADVANTAGES OF JOINT VENTURES: * Access to expertise and contacts in local markets, each partner agrees to ajoint venture to gain access to the other partner’s skills and resources. Typically the international partner contributes financial resources, technology or products. The local partner provides the skills and knowledge required for managing a business in its country. * Reduced market and political risks * Economies of scale by pooling skills and resources(resulting in e.g. lower marketing costs) * May avoid local tariffs and non-tariffs barriers * Shared risk of failure * Possibly better relations with national governments through having a local partner. THE DISDVANTAGE OF JOINT VENTURES: * Objectives of the respective partners may be incompatible ,resulting in conflicts * Contributions to joint ventures can become disproportionate * Los of control over foreign operations * Completion might overburden a company’s staff * Partners may become locked into long term investments from which it is difficult to withdraw * Cultural differences may result in possible differences in management culture among participating firms * Problems of management structures and dual parent staffing of joint ventures. * Transfer pricing problems as good pass between partners Sven hollensen.(2004)global marketing(adecision-oriented approach).3rd edn.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Bullying And The Cyber Bullying - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 890 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Bullying Essay Cyber Bullying Essay Did you like this example? Cyberbullying is basically a way in which individuals bully and target others through different forms of technology, by threatening, shaming, spreading rumors, or intimidating them. This is something that I see and hear about occurring mostly with children of all ages, but it can happen to anyone. Victims of this are afraid to reach out to someone and let them know what is going on, due to retaliation and other reasons. It is important that everyone take bullying, but more so cyberbullying, very serious, one hundred percent, because it can cause mental problems, low self-esteem, and changes in personality. Considering the importance of how serious we should take cyberbullying, it can cause mental health problems. People, for example, get on social media, such as Facebook, portraying to be someone that they’re not or can’t seem to be in person, saying nasty and hurtful things to others on the other end of the keyboard. They may find it funny or think it is cool for some reason, but it can make the victim go into depression. This is something that goes overlooked a lot, but we as a whole should be more observant and ask questions. We see people not eating, walking around sad, not talking, and looking down all the time, thinking that they’re not much of a social person or don’t want to be there, when deep down inside they’re going through something and hurting. That can be a way of them asking for help in silence, but at times it gets ignored. That tormenting can lead to the victim having suicidal thoughts. Today, suicide is something that is happening a lot with our younger children. They are being targeted over and over and don’t know what to do about it anymore and may feel like giving up. They can no longer take being taunted or humiliated and may think that harming and eliminating themselves is the easy way out of their situation. Some say, â€Å"words will never hurt me†, but in reality, words can cut deeper than any wound. Some people are just stronger than others. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Bullying And The Cyber Bullying" essay for you Create order As I said before, cyberbullying mostly occurs with younger children. At that time of their lives, they’re going through changes with their bodies. For example, some people hit puberty faster than others and some get talked about for the changes that they’re going through during puberty. Adults also go through changes with their bodies. For some reason, we have ideas in our heads of the perfect person or the perfect body. Some people think that they’re better than others when there’s no such thing. People tend to target others for being different from they are. I don’t know if it makes them feel better about themselves or more comfortable in their own skin, but it’s not right, and it can make the victim develop low self-esteem. It makes them feel like they’re just not good enough. They try all kind of things to change who they are, hoping that things will get better for them and they’ll then be accepted. It’s not good to h ave low self-esteem because it plays a big part in the kind of person the victim will become along the way in the future. Something a lot of people don’t realize is that the person doing the online bullying may have low self-esteem themselves and that may be the reason behind their actions. In person, people may dislike them, and they may take it out on an innocent individual. A lot of times they are being verbally abused in their own home. That’s why we should take cyberbullying very seriously. Cyberbullying can change a person’s personality in many ways. We should pay close attention and we’ll be able to notice the changes in behavior. If the victim can’t reach out to someone, they’ll just keep it all balled up inside. They’ll find some kind of outlet to escape the pain that they’re feeling. This can turn them into a negative person and begin showing violent behavior, such as picking fights. This can also lead to the victim being disrespectful and acting out in school. When you see unusual behavior occurring, that usually means something is wrong. Keep in mind, people suffer from traumatic events, so this is definitely something to worry about. Children may start skipping school and losing interest, which means they’ll probably turn to the streets and drug use, getting ahold of the wrong things that could get them in trouble with the law. This is how teens end up shooting up their schools. Now, that’s a huge deal beca use others are now unsafe and at risk. Many people don’t take cyberbullying as serious as they should. Some adults may think, â€Å"oh they’re just kids,†or â€Å"just ignore it.†No, this is not okay, and it is a serious matter that should be worried about and taken to the extreme. It is important that everyone take bullying, but more so cyberbullying, very serious, one hundred percent, because it can cause mental health problems, low self-esteem, and changes in personality. We should worry about it as much as possible because it can happen to someone you know or care about.
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