Saturday, May 23, 2020
How to Make a Safe No Cook Smoke Bomb
The classic smoke bomb is very easy to make, but I know some of you are concerned about the possibility of accidentally setting off your smoke alarm or igniting the mixture during preparation. There is safer way to make a smoke bomb. It uses the same ingredients and produces a comparable amount of smoke, but it takes a bit longer to make. Heres how to make the safer smoke bomb. Smoke Bomb Ingredients potassium nitrate or saltpeter (if you cant find it at a garden store I see Skylighter sells it online)sugar (sucrose)waterfusepaper or plastic cupsplastic spoonwaxed paper Construct the Smoke Bombs In a paper or plastic cup, mix 3 parts potassium nitrate with 2 parts sugar (e.g., 3 tablespoons potassium nitrate and 2 tablespoons sugar).Using your plastic spoon, stir in just enough water to make a thick paste. Continue stirring until the ingredients are evenly mixed.Set lumps of the mixture (~1 tablespoon each or a little less) onto the waxed paper. Insert a fuse into each lump.Allow the smoke bombs to set up for 1-2 days. The drying time will depend on temperature and humidity. Warmer and drier is faster; cooler and damper will take longer. Keep the smoke bombs away from excessive heat or flame. The smoke bombs will be like clay when they are ready, not hard and solid.Set a completed smoke bomb outdoors on a fireproof surface and light it. Disclaimer: Please be advised that the content provided by our website is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Fireworks and the chemicals contained within them are dangerous and should always be handled with care and used with common sense. By using this website you acknowledge that ThoughtCo., its parent About, Inc. (a/k/a Dotdash), and IAC/InterActive Corp. shall have no liability for any damages, injuries, or other legal matters caused by your use of fireworks or the knowledge or application of the information on this website. The providers of this content specifically do not condone using fireworks for disruptive, unsafe, illegal, or destructive purposes. You are responsible for following all applicable laws before using or applying the information provided on this website.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Essay about Emily dickinson - 1145 Words
Emily Dickinson’s poetry powerfully indicates values of society of the time. It does this through its conciseness, its simplicity and its control. Indications of society’s values are seen in many of Dickinsons poems, but they are especially noticeable in ‘It was not Death’, and ‘Because I could not stop for Death’. In Dickinson’s poem ‘It was not Death’, she demonstrates how restricting and stereotyping society can be on an individual, and how society values the conformity of the whole community, even though they may not want to. In Dickinson’s poem ‘Because I could not stop for Death’, she is questioning society’s values on religion and everlasting life. Emily Dickinson’s poems analyze her perception of the world and society, which is†¦show more content†¦Chaos does not only mean ‘a state of great disorder’, but also refers to a biblical place where Satan ended up when God threw him out of heaven. This brings about the possibility that Emily believes that the real world is in fact a hellish place, and the rest of society cannot see this because they are too absorbed in religion. The restriction or strangulation of her life by society can also be seen through the verse techniques of Emily Dickinson’s ‘It was not Death’. The rhythm of the quatrains enhances the sensation of breathlessness that occurs in the poem. There is the exclusion of connecting words in stanzas three to six, and this makes it seem that the words are tumbling over one another. Also, the repetition of ‘And’ in stanza four gives the feeling of breathlessness, as if Emily is trying to quickly relate her story without taking a breath. The increasing number of pauses throughout the poem, created with both commas and dashes adds to the breathlessness feeling of the poem. This is because it creates sensations of increased inability to connect idea with idea, so as the poem progresses, the persona in the poem is becoming increasingly restricted by the implications placed on them by society. During Emily Dickinson’s era, religion was a very big part of society. In ‘Because I could not stop for Death’, she appears to be rebelling against this. The journeyShow MoreRelatedEmily Dickinson1172 Words  | 5 PagesEmily Dickinson’s works are studied by various audiences from high school students to college scholars. Even without striving to hope that her works would impact so many generations, Dickinson has influenced many generations of poets and plays a major role in the development of American Literature. Dickinson did not become famous for her works until after her death in 1886. Not only is Emily Dickinson’s work important to the study of American Literature, most of her writings were composed duringRead MoreContributions Of Emily Dickinson1045 Words  | 5 Pagesideas to flow. When alone an individual can be with their thoughts, dreams and hopes. Emily Dickinson spent years in solitude and confinement which allowed her creative jui ces to progress. Overtime, her ideas began appearing on paper as magnificent poems. Love, death, life, hope, weapons, birds, bees, flowers, and gardens are all themes used by Emily Dickinson in her poetry. It is unbelievably stunning that Dickinson gives off such beautiful imagery for someone who rarely left the house. She has connectedRead MoreEssay On Emily Dickinson1034 Words  | 5 Pagespeople didn’t remember Emily Dickinson. Emily Dickinson was a talented poet who used her previously devastating personal experiences to enhance her poems. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10th, 1830 to Edward and Emily Dickinson in Amherst, Massachusetts. In the year 1833, her little sister Lavinia was born into the family. During February of 1852, A Valentine was published in the Springfield Republican. That was one of the first poems that she had written. Emily Dickinson was an amazing poetRead MoreEssay On Emily Dickinson1348 Words  | 6 PagesEmily Dickinson The beloved poet, Emily Dickinson lived as a recluse to become the greatest American woman poet of the 19th century. Even in such peculiar circumstances, her works remain alive as she unites people through her talent. Furthermore, her poems were not recognized until after her death, her art is now praised with its impact on society. She intrigues readers with prominent themes of life and death and its comparison to living and nonliving aspects. Dickinson’s unique background, interestingRead MoreUncovering Emily Dickinson603 Words  | 2 PagesUncovering Emily Dickinson The poem â€Å"Taking off Emily Dickinson’s Clothes†By Billy Collins, amplifies the conflict of Emily Dickinson’s inner feelings being revealed as a result of her poetry being published (Emily Dickinson wanted to keep her poetry private). The speaker is aware of this and he shows a lot respect for Dickinson and her poetry throughout the poem. Respect is shown by the speaker by constantly referring to Dickinson’s poems. The speaker references Dickinson’s work in a way thatRead MoreEssay On Emily Dickinson1419 Words  | 6 PagesEmily Dickinson â€Å"I know that He exists,†is the first line in one of Emily Dickinson’s many poems. This is poem number 338, and it is one of her most famous poems even though most people do not understand it (Faulkner 8). Emily Dickinson is a well-known poet, but it was not always like that. During her lifetime, Dickinson rarely published her poems, and it was not until later that she became famous for her work (Crumbley 1). During Emily Dickinson’s life, she was a reserved person, to the pointRead MoreAnalysis Of Emily Dickinson s Emily 1867 Words  | 8 PagesPoetry is meant to provoke in a thoughtful way. It makes the reader consider what the deeper meaning behind the piece may be. I Heard a Fly Buzzâ€â€when I died does all that but it also perplexes the reader, making one wonder what was Emily Dickison writing about in this poem? And what is the reader supposed to take away? It begins with the tone, in the very first sentence, I heard a Fly buzzâ€â€when I diedâ€â€, there is a puzzling, almost disbelief on the part of the speaker. They can’t seem to believeRead MoreThe Works of Emily Dickinson726 Words  | 3 Pages Emily Dickinson’s writing reflects the Realistic period through personal themes: death, isolation, God, marriage, women in society, and love. Dickinson’s writing is affected by numerous factors. Among these are her family, the Realism period, and her life experiences. Emily Dickinson herself was a sort of mystery. Emily Dickinson’s background had a profound effect on her writing. Family always plays an important role in the upbringing of an individual. Her grandfather had a prominent position inRead MoreEmily Dickinson: An American Poet1793 Words  | 7 PagesEmily Dickinson is one of the most influential American authors, whose works transformed the way people view poetry and female authors. Her exceedingly complex life has proved a tremendous influence on her instrumental poetry, creating its originality and distinguishing her from other great poets of the nineteenth century. As well, her use of symbolism and imagery has continued to make her work celebrated. Although Emily Dickinson lived a private and reclusive life, full of death among many closeRead MoreSolitude Of A Poet By Emily Dickinson1545 Words  | 7 Pagesin Amherst, Massachusetts, Emily Dickinson was one of three children to Edward Dickinson and his wife, Emily Dickinson. According to Pettinger, Dickinson’s r oots trace back to her Puritan ancestors from England in the 17th century, who later immigrated to America to freely exercise their religion (Pettinger, The Biography of Emily Dickinson). Dickinson was a quiet, intelligent individual, excelling in Amherst Academy, a school founded by her grandfather, Samuel Dickinson, and later the Mount Holyoke
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Holocaust Germany Adolf Free Essays
The Holocaust was a devastating time in history that took many lives and changed a lot of people’s outlooks on life itself. The Holocaust started on January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, and it ended on May 8, 1945 when the war in Europe ended. We will write a custom essay sample on Holocaust: Germany Adolf or any similar topic only for you Order Now During the Holocaust approximately 5,860,000 Jews lost their lives, which include children also. Many Jewish communities suffered significant losses during the Holocaust. Also, it is estimated that the Nazis established approximately 15,000 camps in their occupied territories. The Holocaust was a time period of death and racism; it involved the power and the powerless. Families, friends, and communities were separated and killed; some Jews made it but many died. This huge epidemic involved the mass murder of children, adults, and even the elderly. Due to the levels of power and strength, the Nazis easily took over and the Holocaust began (Rosenberg). Adolf Hitler, the cruel man whom started the Holocaust, did not always have power. Surprisingly, Adolf Hitler grew up in a poor family, and had a horrible relationship with his father. Alois Hitler, Adolf’s father, wanted Adolf to become a civil servant for the Austrian Empire as he did, but Adolf wanted to study art and become an artist. However, after Alois died, Adolf pursued his dream with his mother’s support and studied art. Adolf’s goal was to enter the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts, but after applying he had been refused. Vienna Academy of Fine Arts stated that Adolf’s work was of unsatisfactory and did not meet their standards. Vienna, filled with 200,000 Jews alone, describes the race of people who kept Adolf Hitler from pursuing his lifelong dream of becoming an artist. With this being sated, Hitler soon grew anger towards the race of Jews. In 1914 World I Began and Adolf enlisted in the German Army, after serving four years and making his way back to Munich, Germany Adolf got a job as a political training official. Here Adolf met the general in command of Bavaria, whom was one of the most important figures of the Nazi. Gaining power, Adolf quit his job in the army and devoted his life to the party of the Nazi’s. Becoming dictator, Adolf got to feel the power that he always wanted to feel, aiming towards the race who stole his dream; the Jews were now his target. Hitler had the Nazi party behind him and eventually had thousands of soldiers to help him invade the many countries that housed many Jews. Adolf Hitler, once poor, finally gained the power he envied, and will later use this power in a very negative way (Tynan). Jews, just like everyone else, lived in a society, had a family, had a job, and lived a life. After Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, he began to take over many things including the Jewish race. The hostility towards Jews increased in Germany. This was reflected by many shops and restaurants to not serve the Jewish population. Placards saying â€Å"Jews not admitted†and â€Å"Jews enter this place at their own risk†began to appear all over Germany. In some parts of the country Jews were banned from public parks, swimming-pools and even public transport. Germans were also encouraged to not use Jewish doctors or lawyers. Taking over and sending many Jews to the concentration camps, Adolf Hitler managed to kill many millions of Jews. The Jews that lives in these concentration camps lived in conditions that were not even suitable for animals. Almost killing the whole race of Jews, Adolf Hitler was satisfied. Many disturbing events happened; Jews were worked to death, brutally tortured, and burned to death. Adolf Hitler’s anger towards the Jews showed in this horrible time period. Jews, just like everyone else, had an important life to live; however, Adolf Hitler did not see the importance of life in the race of the Jews (Wilson). Children, innocent and trusting, were very vulnerable during the Holocaust. The Nazis advocated on killing the children of the unwanted. The Germans killed more than 1. million children. Many children died of starvation and lack of adequate shelter. German authorities generally selected children along with the elderly, ill, and disabled, for the first deportations to killing centers, or as the first victims led to mass graves to be shot (â€Å"Holocaust Museum†). In today’s society children are mostly protected from any harm or danger, but unfortunately the children of the Ho locaust were murdered and vulnerable at all times. Think of your childhood, have you ever got lost in a store and separated from your parents? During that time of separation, children become scared and overwhelmed. Furthermore, during the Holocaust many children were separated from their parents, the innocent children who had no idea of what was happening and who did not do anything to deserve to be brutally treated, had to deal with this stress that even an adult could not completely handle. The lives of these children were taken without that child not even getting the chance to experience what life really was. Selfishly, the Nazis did not want these children to live because f the ethnicity, but what they did not understand is, these helpless children did not chose to be born Jewish; they did not have the power to fight back or to defend themselves. Children were killed in the Holocaust due to the generations of their past family members, they did not have the choice to live or die. Children, whom were victims of the Holocaust, did not choose this for themselves and had their lives stolen from them without knowing it. Afte r the Holocaust ended, many people were devastated. Jews and many other cultures were left without food and shelter. Many of these people did not have a job and lost their family also. Many Jews never found their family members, and never got reunited with their friends from the past. Unfortunately, when many of the Jews tried to return to Poland, they were murdered by mobs. Furthermore, even when the Holocaust was over, the Jews still suffered a hard life. Looking for new homes approximately 137,000 Jews came to the United States, which admitted almost 400,000 refugees (â€Å"Holocaust Museum†). Jews mostly did not return to their homes because of the hatred of Jews that was portrayed in their former community. Possibly as many as 170,000 Jewish displaced persons and refugees had immigrated to Israel by 1953 (Rosenberg). Adolf Hitler, This cruel man, who killed millions of people, was finally put to justice. Death is never the answer, and I’m sure that his family and former friends were experiencing a huge loss, but during this time period the death of Adolf Hitler was the only answer that would punish him for his horrible crime. Despite what the Jews went through, they never demanded attention or compensation for what they went through. The Jews tried their hardest to return back to their normal lives, and find family members that they lost during the tragic time of the Holocaust. All in all, they avoided the temptation to hate or to teach their children to hate, which takes a lot of honor to do. Throughout this whole essay, I am trying to let the reader know that the Holocaust was a very devastating time for many cultures. Furthermore, before the Holocaust, the Jews lived a normal life, just like any other human being did. Afterwards, when the Jews were set free, it took them a really long time to return back to normal life, though their lives will never be normal gain. The Jews and their families will always have fear, and never forget the horrible things that they seen and went through. Unquestionably, this period in time showed how evil mankind can be, and what humans will do over anger and madness. The holocaust was a horrible event that killed millions of innocent people and showed the world how inhuman mankin d can be. The Holocaust, what is the true depth of this word? As sad as it may seem, it affected the lives of millions because of the hate and jealously inside of one certain group of people, the Nazi’s. Millions of innocent adults and children had their lives stolen from them over one man’s anger and hatred. Many people of today’s society could not imagine being treated as the Jews were treated. The Jews were treated as wild animals; they were locked away and barely fed or sheltered. Can you find a word to describe this act? Dehumanization, Man and man are supposed to work together to make their community better. Every human is just alike, we all have; hair, two eyes, two arms, two legs, and a brain to think. Furthermore, we all also have emotions and feelings. Would Adolf Hitler want to be treated how he treated the Jews? No, nobody would like to be treated as if they did not belong or matter. Everyone has a purpose in this world, and everyone is born for a reason. Let the Jews that died and suffered, rest in peace and live their life the best that they possibly can. These people who went through and experienced this unbearable time in history, are the strongest people of mankind. It took a lot of emotional and physical power to overcome that experience. The Holocaust has been over for many many years, but the wounds still scar the Jews and their families and many other groups of people too. May god let the soles of the Holocaust rest in peace, for you will never be disclaimed. As your stories fade into history, we will never forget the courage that it took to bare the actions that you endured during the Holocaust. This era in time will never be forgotten, and all of whom died and suffered through this horrible tragedy will always be remembered, for we will never forget the courage they held, and the hurt that they endured. How to cite Holocaust: Germany Adolf, Papers
Saturday, May 2, 2020
Analyse the comedy in Act 3 Scene 4 of Twelfth Night Essay Example For Students
Analyse the comedy in Act 3 Scene 4 of Twelfth Night Essay Shakespeares romantic comedy Twelfth Night involves deception, trickery and love, typical themes in Elizabethan drama. This theme of romance intertwined with comedy is suggested by the title which implies that a play set in the Christmas season is going to be full of love, happiness and celebration. The literary tradition of an Elizabethan comedy would involve many techniques to make the audience laugh, such as a convoluted plot, mistaken identity, disguise, comic characters and verbal humour. Twelfth Night is no exception to this. Its main theme is love but the path to true love is not simple for any of the characters and involves certain love triangles, where Orsino thinks he loves Olivia, who loves Cesario (Viola), who is in love with Orsino. Added to all this is the complication of Sir Andrew Aguecheek being spurred on by Sir Toby to woo Olivia and Malvolio having a trick played on him which makes him believe that his mistress, Olivia loves him. Many of these plots and sub-plots come to a head in Act3 Scene 4 in a very comic manner. Malvolio provides much of the visual humour in this scene. Olivia sends for him on a serious matter, saying: Wheres Malvolio? He is sad and civil, And suits well for a servant with my fortunes: The audience would be full of anticipation at this point as Malvolio has been told in a letter supposedly sent to him by Olivia to smile a lot more, something which is totally against his usual character. When he walks on stage he is wearing yellow cross-gartered stockings which he thinks he has been commended to wear. This would make the audience laugh as it is so different to the Puritans clothes that he was wearing earlier in the play. It was also mentioned earlier that Olivia despises the colour yellow so her reaction to seeing her steward dressed so comically would add to the humour of the scene. Malvolio starts to quote from the letter he received from Maria. He never once suspects that it is not real and truly believes that Olivia could love him, which is where much of the comedy derives from, as he is so confident that Olivia understands what he is talking about when he quotes from the letter. His pride and arrogance that he is worthy to marry Olivia is extremely funny. It is also the dramatic irony that makes it humourous, as the audience and most of the characters realise where he is quoting from whereas Olivia doesnt understand what he is talking about and believes it to be midsummer madness. It is very entertaining to see Malvolio act in such a way, smiling insanely, as it is a complete contrast between his earlier self, very pompous and arrogant. However, he as he has been told in the letter, he speaks rudely to the other characters and believes himself to be not of (their) element, which is funny because actually he is no more important than any of the other servants. It is also the frustration that he shows when people arent taking him seriously that makes the audience laugh. It is funny when Malvolio makes his grand exit, as he is acting an extremely bossy and arrogant manner but looks ridiculous so the contrast is comical. In fact, this whole scene is a contrast to the main theme of love and romance. Another example of visual comedy in Act 3 Scene 4 would come from the duel between Sir Andrew Aguecheek and Viola (as Cesario). Sir Andrew is essentially a figure of fun throughout the play, being described as a foolish knight by Sir Toby and having hair which hangs like flax on a distaff which would make him look really odd. He has written a challenge to Viola because he thinks he is a rival for Olivias affection, but when Sir Toby reads it out, it is totally nonsensical. Fabian says of it: Visit to Miss Havesham's EssayYet another form of comedy comes from the characters. Sir Toby spends the whole scene manipulating the actions, firstly of Malvolio because of the letter he dropped in his way and the fact that he is given the task of looking after him, and then, more directly, of Sir Andrew. He is a bit like a puppet master who has Sir Andrew and, although not for such a long period, Viola dancing to his tune. When Olivia becomes worried by Malvolio who is acting totally out of character, she asks Sir Toby to take great care and look after him: Wheres my cousin Toby? Let some of my people have a special care of him; I would not have him miscarry for the half of my dowry. Sir Toby willingly plays along with pretending to be concerned about Malvolio when he knows all along what has caused his strange behaviour. He, together with Maria and Fabian, approach Malvolio and try to talk to him: .. .peace, we must deal gently with him. How do you, Malvolio? What, man, defy the devil! The audience would find this very funny, especially considering Malvolios lack of appeal as a character. Later on, Toby calls him a bawcock, which would be an insult as this was a term of endearment spoken to a child. Malvolio would have been insulted by this, adding to the audiences amusement. Tobys plans for Malvolio, to put him in a darkened room and bind him up, would have met with general amusement as well. Sir Toby manipulates the whole scene with Sir Andrew and Viola for his own entertainment. Again, as he is a character that the audience would find appealing because he is lively and, on many occasions, drunk and funny, the audience would find the whole business of the duel hilarious. The physical comedy of a man acting drunk was usually very funny to an Elizabethan audience, as it still is now. However, aside from this comedy, there is a more serious element to the plot. At the end of the scene, there is still comedy, but a hint of seriousness. If this were a tragedy, then things may well have turned out differently but as it is a comedy, we know that everything will be all right in the end. There is a hint of how these problems will be resolved in this Scene. For example, when Antonio asks Cesario for his purse, thinking that he is Sebastian, he is taken aback when he claims to not have it. When Antonio is then arrested, we are reminded that things could actually go down hill. However, Viola realises that her brother may be alive so we know eventually Sebastian will have to be mistaken for Cesario to resolve the confusion. Even though the trick on Malvolio was very funny at the time, it could have led to him becoming mad and being left in the dark room forever. The audience can even begin to feel sorry for Malvolio as the joke may have gone too far. Some people have even said that the situation with Malvolio is not completely resolved, as on his final exit he says that he will have his revenge. Ill be revengd on the whole pack of you! In spite of this, it can be said that Shakespeare never meant for the audience to feel sorry for Malvolio, and that he deserved to get his comeuppance, so there is no need for him to have a happy ending. Still, the other characters were never unpleasant, so deserved to have happy endings. As the title suggests, we know that in the celebration of Twelfth Night, all will be resolved.
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